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It was now morning. When I woke up, I realize that I'm covered by all of the sleepy boys! I giggle then smile. I try to wake them up. "Hey guys. Get up. You all are on top of me." I whisper to them. Some were slowly waking up, while the others that weren't waking, still asleep.

The ones that were now awake get off me. I manage to successfully get out from underneath the other ones that were still sleeping. Without waking them up.

I go downstairs to see my parents and my two friends, Nathan and Jackie, sitting at the table eating breakfast. The thing is, my dad wasn't cooking. "Uh, who's cooking breakfast?" I ask. My dad points, I turn to look and see Shade cooking! I was surprised! "What the fuck, Shade! You can cook?!" I say, he looks at me with a smile. "Yes. I had learned from your dad Fandom. He has taught me the ways in using these metal things and this flat... thing." He tells me, I giggle. "Those metal things are called pans. That flat thing is a spatula." I tell him. I notice that he was cooking pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I go to sit down with the rest.

|le timeskip after breakfast|

Everyone had finished eating. It was so fucking delicious! Holy shit! "Shade should be a fucking cook! He made these fucking eggs, the bacon, and the pancakes better than my dad could ever make them!" I thought to myself with a smile. Everyone had a foodgasm, and it was fucking hilarious! Even I had a foodgasm. (If I spelled that right, I don't know.)

"Hey dad. I think you might have a challenge against Shade. Cause I'm going to say this now, excuse my french. But, he made the fucking best eggs, bacon, and pancakes better than you!" I tell my dad. He looks at Shade, then back at me. "Is that so?" He says, then looks back at Shade. "I bet he can't make the best spaghetti than I do!"

Oh boy, look what I have started.

"Shade. I challenge you..." As my dad pulls out his chef hat from his back pocket. I still don't know how that fucking thing still manages to fit inside of his pocket! I swear!

"To a Cook Off!" He smirks. Shade smirks to. "All right my good sir. Let's have this cook off!" Shade says as he now has a chef hat on.

"All right! Ladies and gents! Welcome to The Onata Family Annual Cook Off of 2019!" I say with a wooden spoon as a microphone. "In this sector, we have the man of the house! The most handsome, most amazing dad a girl and mom could ever have! James C. Onata! My dad." I say as some clapped when my dad spun a spoon in his hand. "And in this other sector, we have the care taking Skreetchr! The one who has taken care of me for many years! Shade!" As there was more clapping heard.

"The two boys must face-off, well, must cook-off, an Italian dish. Spaghetti! Or as I like to call it, Spaghet."

"Now. The two must try their best to create the most delicious spaghet in the household! Who's spaghetti will be more delicious than the other? Who knows!"

 "On Your Marks..." Shade grabs a spoon next to a pot. Since my dad already has one in hand.
"Get Set..." The two do a stance. Then look at each other, grinning.
"Go!" Then the two were off!

Shade was getting the water in the pot, while my dad was grabbing the things he needed. Once Shade was done getting the water in his pot, he began boiling the water, then he grabs the ingredients that he needed. Meanwhile, my dad already had his water ready! So he put the noodles in the pot. Shade looks and goes big eyed! Then, he puts his noodles in the pot.

Once that was done, they both grab the sauce at the same time. There was only one jar. "Oh snap! They both put their hand on the single jar of sauce! What will they do?" I say into the wooden spoon. Shade and my dad look at each other with a squint.

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