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I'm just walking, alone. I just got off of work too. My parents forgot to pick me up, again.

I sigh, "I'm fucking tired of walking home alone, at night. Who knows what unknown, paranormal things are out here. Also, I need my own goddamn car." I tell myself, but my parents won't allow me to have my own vehicle.

Cause they say that I might crash it as soon as I drive within three to five seconds. Which will never even happen.

I was about to put my earbuds in, until I heard the most horrific, loudass screech of my lifetime in my own history! It was a high-pitched screech too!

I froze, stopped in my tracks and looked to where it came from, the scary thing was. It was really fucking close! When I was about to ignore it, it happened again! This time... even closer.

I stopped again, and looked around, all I wanted to do was to get home and sleep in my soft, cozy, warm bed. But looks like I have something that's following me.

I heard the bushes rustling, "h-hello? Wh-Whoever you are, y-you better come out and sh-show yourself! I'm not afraid to throw fucking hands bitch! Come out and show yourself, coward!" I yell, which I heard a low growl. I think I pissed them off. Oh boy...

As I look a little closer, I see... a pair of glowing red eyes....
I froze, I couldn't move a muscle.

"Uhm... wh-wh-whatever y-you are... I-I'm s-sorry for y-yelling and c-call-ing you th-th-those b-bad things! D-Don't h-hurt me! Please!" I studder, the thing is, I don't even know if this is even a person or just some sort of wild animal!

Either I get kidnapped and never seen again, or I end up prey to the creature.

Once it came out from the darkness of the forest, the thing was. It looked like a human, but... it wasn't human. It looked animal-like. Tail, spikes, fangs, the markings all over it. Definitly animal-like.

 Definitly animal-like

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(The creature ^)

It was slowly creeping towards me, on both hands and feet. I tried backing away but I was trapped looking into its bloody red eyes. Staring right into my soul. I couldn't look away.

So many questions were going through my mind...

Am I gonna die..?!
Will this thing eat me alive..?
Is it bad or good..?
What even is this thing?!
Why can't I fucking move to run away!?

I didn't even realize that the thing was right in front of my face! Standing on its feet. I fell back, trying to back away from it as fast and soon as possible! The thing grabbed my arm. "L-Let me go! I don't w-want to be food to you!" I yell. It didn't listen, still ahold of my arm.

A few minutes had passed as I managed to calm down, with the creature still holding my arm. I look at them, then tilt my head. He did the same. "What even are you..?" I ask. Why would I ask it a question? The thing can't fucking speak! Come on Fandom, you're stupid to think that you'll get an answer from it.

It made a low screech sound, as if to answer my question. "Uhm. Sorry buddy, I don't speak screech." I tell him, then he just puts his hands on both sides of my head. "What are you-" as a flash of white light blinded my vision. Then, everything went black.

What just happened...?
Did I die to this thing..?
Is it eating me alive..?!

I didn't feel no pain. Yes, I can still feel things when I'm passed out or something, I'm not fucking dead ya shitheads.

I felt as if I was being lifted. Were they taking me away? Taking me to their den..? To be their for, god who knows how long that will be! What will my family and friends think!

If I die to this thing, just tell my family and my friends...
That I loved them.

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