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I had managed to wake up, "hopefully this is all just one big hell of a nightmare..." I say in my head. I look around...

"Where am I..." I ask myself, I was supposedly inside a cave. How the hell did I get here? Did somebody bring me here? That's when I remembered. That scary ass creature, human thing. That thing probably brought me here. Shit...

"How the fuck do I even get out of here..." I say, I get up but almost fell back down. "Whatever that thing did to me... Jesus, I need to get back home, and now!" I see a light! I start running towards it, "I'm coming home mama! I'm co-"

"Fandom! Wake your ass up!" I heard a voice, I stopped. "What...?" The light was getting closer, and brighter. Am I... dying..?! I don't want to die! I-I'm not ready!

"Fandom W. Onata! If you do not wake up this instant! You're grounded for a month!" That voice echoed, it was the mother. I finally see the blue sky! I jolt up. "What in the living hell were you doing, sleeping out here young lady!" Mother yells.

She looks at me... with Anger.
Father looks at me... with Disappointment.
Sister looks at me... with Disgust.
Brother looks at me... with Annoyed.

"I... I was attacked!" I tell them, the sister groaned then sighed. "Another one of your stories..? Seriously, when will you just tell the truth? You idiot." The sister, her name is Amanda H. Washington (sorry if your name is Amanda), why can't they just believe me! I knew what I saw! It was real! "Fandom, if you keep up making all of these lies and stories, I will have no choice but to send you back." Father tells me.

I just go quiet. I knew they wouldn't believe me. I look down, "got nothing to say huh? You're grounded for two months!" My mother says, I look at her. "B-But." "No buts young lady! Get your ass in the car! Now!" She yells, I do as she says. Then they get in the car, we now drive off. I just look out the window the whole ride home.

Let's just say, this is not my real family.

I know I've been taken away by this family.

I know my REAL parents are still looking for me till this day!

The only reason that man said "...Send Me Back..." is because....

They will send me to a Young Ladies School Camp

Where those people will try to MAKE ME become a civilized young lady.

I'm tired of it.
I'm over it.
I want it over.

...I'm Sick Of This...

I snapped back into reality, we were finally "home."

I wouldn't call this my home.
I would call it "My HellHole."

We all get out of the car and go inside the house. "Go to your room, don't even come out. You hear me?" The Mother tells me. I just went to "my" room. I heard the Sister and Brother snickering, I just went in the room and cried.

I want this all to be over...
I want my REAL family...
I want my OLD life BACK...

I have thought of what I will do. I'm tired of them blocking me out. Ruining my life. Everything.

"This is the final fucking straw. I'm out of here." I tell myself, I grab my backpack from my closet and start packing my belongings. My laptop, phone, chargers, art stuff.. all of that.

Once I finish, I open the window and crawl out. I take one last look, then got out on to the roof. I hopped down, landing on my feet. "So long, bitches..." I whisper under my breath, then start walking away. It's time to start my own life. All alone.

....Time To Start A New....
Let The New Game...



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