~/×New Century×\~

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Only two years had passed.
It's now the month of May.
Apparently, a few of the boys. Function like girls! But I don't judge. You can be whatever or whoever you want to be!

So mating season had passed not too long ago, I think it was about a month ago since it happened. Let's just say, some of the boys are preggo! I'm so excited!

It was Star, CJ, Phoenix, Leo, Tiny, and Toxic. Even Zafiro is preggo! I can't wait to be an aunt of... uh..

Star; one.
CJ; two.
Phoenix; three.
Leo; four.
Tiny; five
Toxic; six.
Zafiro: seven!

An aunt of seven babies! Plus Sam and Tim, that makes nine! The thing is, Sam and Tim are excited to have more friends to play with. I'm happy that they're happy.

But what I don't know, is a few things.
One, who are the fathers?
Two, questioning if it's like animal birth or bird birth. Eggs or no eggs.
Three, when will the birthing happen!? Will it happen all in one day or separate days of the week or month? So many questions are running through my mind!

"Fandom. Can you come here please?" I hear Zafiro call for me, I walk to him to see the preggo boys behind him. Wonder what happened.

"You need something?" I ask kind of confused and a little concerned. "Not to surprise you or anything, but." He looked down at the ground, ears back. "We have never been through a process like this..."

This surprised me! This is going to be their first time becoming parents! I smile. "Don't worry guys. I'll teach you the ways of becoming the good mothers/fathers that you will become." I tell them, they all smile. "Thank you Fandom." Zafiro thanks me. "Don't mention it! But I might need some help from a few of my friends and my mom, probably my dad as well. If that's okay with you Zafiro, if they could come and help me?" I ask him. "Sure! The more help you need, the better!"

I add my friends, Jackie, Turtle, Rita, and Mittens, and my mom. Even my dad, to a group chat on discord. Then I started a group call in the chat.

J - Jackie
T - Turtle
R - Rita
M - Mittens
Mo - Mom
F - Fandom

F: hey guys!
J: hi Fandom!
Mo: hi sweetie! How are you doing? It's been so long since the last time I have seen you!
F: oh, I been doing great! A little bit of mishaps here and there, but I manage to accomplish them.
Mo: that's wonderful!
T: I'm so confused as to why you added us to a group chat then start a call. I was busy drawing something!
F: oh, heh. Sorry Turtle. But I have wonderful news!
J: tell us! Please?!
F: woah, woah, woah! Calm down there Jackie! Damn. *giggles*
J: sorry, I'm just excited!
F: anyways. I heard that a few of the boys here are going to be mothers/fathers in the future.
R: you mean... more babies?!
M: oh my god! Yes!!
J: well, congrats to them.
Mo: aw, that's amazing for them!
T: yay! Their population will grow now!
F: but there's a problem. This is actually their first time going to be a parent. They don't know what even to do. So I was wondering if you guys want to come here and help me teach them until it's time.
J: sure!
T: ok.
R: absolutly!
M: yes!
Mo: we will be there shortly dear. You know at least a few things about this. Just teach them until we arrive.
F: will do! I'll see y'all later. Bye!

I ended the call. I'm guessing they will be here in about fifteen minutes or more.

I walk back to the group. "Alright guys. My people will arrive in about fifteen minutes or so. Which leaves me in teaching you all until they arrive here." I tell them. "Ok. Are you sure that we will do good? What if we do bad or something. What if we hurt our kits?" Zafiro asked worriedly. I put my hands on his shoulders. "Don't worry Zafiro. I know what you all should and should not do. Trust me, I've learned from my mom." I tell him. "Alright. I trust you."

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