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It's been a few hours, but it appears that they are now waking up. Let's just hope they don't freak out about this. I Hope.

"What the fuck happened..." As they both sit up. They look at me sitting in front of them with Sam sitting on my left and Tim sitting on my right. "Now. Before you both start to freak out. Let me explain. So please, stay calm." I tell them.

I look at Tim, then to Sam, then back at my parents.

"Hello humans!"

My parents were shocked. "Did... did they just...?!" I nod. "Before the two of you began screaming and freaking out, these creatures are called Skreetchrs. There's only a few of them alive right now. The only reason that I was acting like that, was because they trust me. I even trust them. And these two, I took care of them." As I put each of my hands on both Sam and Tim's heads, they smile and purr.

"Because, these two were abandoned. In a cave of theirs that was not far from where the other Skreetchrs were. Their caretakers, in this case, their parents. Were killed by the humans, which was us. Since that one day, they never had any food to eat, they had to survive by theirselves. And, ever since I've been told this story by one of them. I decided to take care of these two as my own kids. I was happy and I knew what I was doing. Cause I learned from you mom, even you dad." I tell them.

They look at each other, then back at me.

"They're only trying to survive, just like everyone else. Even take care of their own families. Just Like Us."
"They are Not Monsters."
"They are Not Freaks of Nature."
"They are Just Like Us."

I see my mom trying to hold back tears.
My dad, feeling ashamed of what he has done.

"Do you believe me now...?" I ask. "Yes Fandom... we do believe you... we're sorry for doing this to them. We're sorry for doing this... To You." My mom says in tears. "I never knew that.. these creatures, were good to you..." my dad says, still ashamed.

"That is why we need to get them back. All of them. And bring them all back home." I tell them, "who knows what those people are doing to them. They're probably terrified out of their minds! Not knowing what's going on. Not knowing what will happen to ANY of them. So, what do you say. Mom? Dad?" I stand up off my bed, Sam and Tim stand by my sides.

My mom stands off my bed, "I agree with you sweetie! Let's go get your friends back!" She says, I smile then look at my dad. "Dad? You in?" I ask. He looks down, I walk over to him and hug him. "It's okay if you're ashamed of what you did. Don't blame yourself all because of that. It's not your fault, you just didn't know what these creatures were and are capable of." I tell him, he looks at me then stands up from my bed.

"Let's go save them." He says. I smile happily. Sam and Tim were happy too.

"But, if we're going to do this. I'm going to need some help from a FEW FRIENDS of mine." I say.

I grab my laptop and call up Nathan and Jackie, they answer.

"Alright guys. Code Red." I tell them.
"What seems to be the problem?" Nathan asks.
"I need you two to come to my house. Now. It's urgent." I tell them.
"But we need to know what the problem is Turtle.." Jackie says.
"I'll explain once you guys get here! Now come to my house. Quickly."

"Also, before you both go. Bring some weapons. I'll also explain why." I tell them, then ended the call. I look at my parents with a smile. They smile too.

I'm Coming Guys.
I'm Coming To Save You.

I'm Coming To Save You All...
Even If Death Comes For Me.

I Will Do Whatever It Takes.
Just To Save You All.


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