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"We have to save these creatures." I tell the others.
"Will we be able to do that?" My mom asks.
"Nothing's impossible. You have to have faith in yourself." I tell her.

Each of us go to a cage and a cell, we all freed all of the creatures. They all made different kinds/types of noises. High-pitch, deep gravely noises, some unknown noises. All of it.

As I go to stand on top of a box. "Ok everyone! Settle down!" I yell, then everything goes quiet. Everyone of them look at me.

"Alright. I know all of you have been living good and great lives and taking care of all of your families." As they start making noises and nuzzling and hugging their mates and small kits. I smile. "But as you know. For many years, us humans have hunted all of your ancestors during those years. But now, that will all change!"

The creatures make many different noises, as to being surprised to this. "I know all of you have been through a lot. Many different things. Scared. Shy. FEAR."

"Separated from your families. Taken away. Captured. Killed..."
"But that's all going to change! Because I'm going to change this! All of this!"

"Who cares what any of you are! You all may be called Freaks, or Monsters. But you are not Monsters nor Freaks!" I begin yelling. "You all are Beautiful! Amazing! You, no. Us. Humans and Creatures. We're all just the same, but different in all shapes, sizes. Scales. Feathers. Fur. Skin. Bones. All Of That!" They begin to cheer.

"Us humans and you Creatures! We can join together and become one whole huge community! Who cares what everyone else will think! I say, we fight for our freedom! Creatures!" As I raise my fist in the air, all of them cheer. I smile and look at my parents, even my two friends. They were surprised.

"Now, let's go fight! And save our kind!" As we cheer and start running towards the door. I closed my eyes to see desks on the other side, guessing it's where these scientist do testing and samples on these guys. Even a whole army of guards.

I open my eyes, "charge!" I scream as the door just bursts into millions of pieces!

"Fire men!" As guns were being fired. A few took some shots, but manage to keep fighting.

I take out a machine gun and start rapid-firing at the guards. I got a lot of them down, either injured or killed. I keep doing this.

I was too busy shooting, that I didn't realize that there was a flash of light surrounding me. I began floating up in the air! I stop and look around me. Even everyone else had stopped to look at me. 

The light had shined so bright it blinded everyone in the room! My eyes turn white, everyone had covered their eyes in order to not be blinded.

Once the light had died down....
I had big golden wings! My eyes were black and pupils were gold.

I look around at everyone, then smirk.
"Look at you humans! All of you! Is this how you treat these innocent creatures?!" I yell. I saw some scientists were peeking out from a few other office rooms. I want them to hear me. All of them.

"How would all of you liked it if you were treated the same?! Treated like tortured prisoners! When your family and children are even locked up, being forced to see their parents being tortured and beaten! Would you want the same to happen to all of you?!"

"Taken away from your families! Separated. Beaten. Used. Neglected. Abandoned. How would you all feel, if everyone you love. Just dissapears out of your grasp... out of your grip. Your life. Forever..." Everything was quiet.

The guards all just stare at me. Not doing anythig, just staring. As one takes off his helmet, I look at him as I get on the ground.

"No... I wouldn't want my kids to see me.. like these things.... I would be devistated!" He says. Another takes their helmet off. "I wouldn't know what to do... I love my family very much!" She says.

"I would die if anything like that had happened to me! Even to my kids!"
"Nothing would be the same!"

I smile. I had finally got to have people come to my side. I can change everything. I can make everything happy. Make Everyone Happy.

As I start to walk over to the door where the Skreetchrs are. I'm coming guys... I'm here to save you. I-


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