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It's been a long walk.
Who knows how long I've been walking for.
I was on the side of the road, all I see are trees, trees, and more fucking trees!

"Wonder when I'll see something more just than fucking trees. Tree after tree, I'm surrounded by a damn forest!" I say to myself, that's when... I heard a twig snap. I just ignored it, thinking it would be some animal or something, or.... could it be...?

I just shook my head, "it can't be that creature, he or she is probably long gone by now... I think?" I just continue walking, but not too long after that, the bushes were rustling. I look, I stay quiet and stare.

Once it appeared...

It was the same creature again!

I start running. I look back to see it running after me, like a dog!

"Oh hell nah! Not today!" I yell, I was running like my fucking heart depended on! I kept running and running! I look back again to see it still following me! "Why are you following me! What do you want from me!" I yell at it, I wasn't paying attention as I tripped. I fell hard. I fell on my arm and a shot of pain, I held my arm in pain and hissed.

I think I sprained my arm, fucking great!

I see the thing sitting in front of me, like a dog. I was quiet, just staring. "Why did you start chasing me? What is it of me that you want? You want my hands? My face? ....My TOES?!"

He had a disgusted look on his face, then shook his head. Guess he knows human language. "Why would I eat you...?"

Did it just say words!? Or am I crazy!

"D.. Did you just..." it nodded. "Now, before you star-"
"How the fucking fuck are you speaking?! How am I even hearing you speak!" I freak out. "Just calm down and let me explain, please?" He ask, so I did. I didn't want it to eat my face off.

"Do you remember when I touched your sides of your head?" It asks, I nodded. "Let me just ask, well, not to assume genders and all... but are you a male?" I ask.

Which was probably stupid, because...

1) it looks male
2) it's a creature
3) looks or not, who knows what gender the creature is. It looks male, but you don't know if it's a male and has female parts. Or switched, ya know?

"I am a male. If you are wondering, or were wondering. There are no females of my kind sadly." He tells me, there's more of them?!?! Also, how the fuck are there no females...?

"I'm sorry about that"
"It is fine. But, may I ask as to where you are going human?"
I sigh, "running away... from my supposedly, REAL FAMILY." I tell him.

"Why are you running away? Would your family ever miss you? Wouldn't they ever be worried as to where you are?" He ask. "Heh, if you had ever seen how they treated me, then they would probably be glad that I'm not in their lives anymore." I tell him, he tilted his head.

"What kind of things does your pack do to you?" Pack? Oh, he probably means the Family. "Let's just say." I sigh again, he moved next to me. "Those people ground me, cause they say I'm always making up these supposed stories. I try so hard to tell them that it's real, but they still don't believe me!"

"Well, what kind of things had you seen?"
I look at him. "Even though you're a... I don't even know what the hell you are. Excuse my french, if that's okay with you."

"Don't worry, just say what you want. I will not judge you, and by the way. I am an unknown creature that no other mortal knows about." He tells me, I get confused. "Unknown creature?" He nods. "I am what my leader tells us, Skreetchrs." He tells me. "Screechers? Like.."

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