/🍼Getting Ready🍼\

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Me, my friends, mom, and dad have been teaching all of the boys in becoming parents for the first time. A few were doing successful, others had a little trouble. But they all did very good. All we needed to do, was wait for the right time. Which might take a week or two, but we will get everything ready for the new kits.

I was drawing and writing down the plans for a new area to build. Which is a daycare, Rita and Mittens will take care of the newborn kits once they're about around five-years old. When the two girls are done with their job in the preschool, they will come here to take care of the kits.

My mom is buying the things at the moment. She's at the baby store, getting the items we need. While my dad is building the new cave. With the help of few of the boys, like Shade, Spike, Talon, Claw, all of them. Turtle is helping me with the designs and such. Everything was coming out great!

I walk over to my dad and the others to see how they are doing. "Hey dad." I call out, he looks over and waves. I walk over. "Hi sweetie!" He greets me. "So, how's everything coming along?" I ask. "Everything's coming out nicely, we're just about finished with the inside and outside. Mostly the inside is finished." He tells me. "That's great! I'm gonna go check to see how Zafiro and the others are holding up." I say, then walk to where the preggo boys are. Which both Rita and Mittens are taking care of them while their mates are helping out with the build.

When I got there, I see all of them laying down. Sleeping. Guess it was their time to sleep, since they sleep more earlier during the day than usual. I see both of the girls and walk over to them. "Hey girls, how are these boys doing?" I ask quietly, so that I don't wake them. "Oh, they're doing fine." Rita tells me happily. "I'm gonna be so excited when the babies arrive!" Mittens says. We both giggle. "How are you and Turtle doing with the designs?" Mittens asks. "We're doing fine. I'm just taking a break, Turtle's taking over my spot for now." I tell them. "Yeah, you've been up all night planning all of this. You need to get some sleep eventually." Rita tells me.

It's true. I've literally been up since one in the morning planning this. I haven't gotten that much of sleep. "Don't worry Rita, I'll be fine." I tell her. As a huge shadow cast over, I look up to see a familiar face! It was my old friend Twinkie!

"Is that a mother fucking dragon?!" Rita asks surprised. "Yep, say hello to Twinkie. I took care of him ever since he was an egg." I tell her. "Twinkie, can you go somewhere else out of the sunlight?" I call out, he nods and flies over to somewhere else to not block the sun for the others to have warmth.

"I'll leave you two to whatever you gals are doing." I say then walk away. I head over to where Twinkie is. "Hey Twinkie. How's it going boy?" I say as he lowers his head gently. He smiles. "Glad to see that you're doing fine. How's the others? They doing fine too?" I ask, he nods. "That's good."


It was only a week and we all got everything finished for the upcoming newborn kits. "It looks amazing! You guys did a really good job!" I say with a smile. "I wouldn't have done this without all of you."

"Don't worry Fandom! You should be getting all of the credit for coming up with this idea." Jackie says. A few of the other creatures I took care of over the past years were here. It was amazing!

That's when, a screech was heard! It then became multiple! Everyone went quiet.

"They're coming!!" I hear Zafiro scream. The newborns were coming! Holy shit! "Ok! Uhm! Some of you help them get in the cave! Quickly! I'll be right back!" I say as I head towards my parents van. My mom followed, even Rita and Mittens. "Did you pack the medical supplies that we will need?!" I ask, freaking out. "Yes! I did!" She says.

We reached the van and grabbed the things we needed, then quickly ran back as fast as possible!

We got back to the cave, I see that the boys were laying on mats. In pain. Screaming and such. "Dad! Get their mates out of here while we do this!" I say, he does so. Me, my mom, Rita, and Mittens put on gloves and masks.

"Mom, you take care of Tiny! Rita, you go to Leo and Phoenix! Mittens, you go to CJ and Toxic! I'll go to Zafiro and Star!" I tell them and we went to work to delivering the kits. This was going to be a long day of birth!


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