Chapter Six- Eat Shit Muskrat

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CHAPTER SIX- Eat Shit Muskrat☑

 A month had passed since Mason began working with me. And operation 'Confessions Of A Bad Boy' was dryer than the Sahara desert. He hadn't even hinted to who was all involved.

Mason had managed to keep his mouth shut most of the time.... Well not exactly. He flirted hideously with me on a daily basis. He usually toned it down when we were at school-since he barely even attended school. But when we're at the aquarium he's in full flirt mode.  

Kinda like right now. Mason was trying to win me over with lame pick up lines when he should have been working. His theory was that, since I was lame--lame pickup lines would work on me.

I humored him, only because I didn't want to work either. I needed time to kill anyway.

"Hey baby, you must be a light switch, cause every time I see you, you turn me on!" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. I rolled my eyes and tried to bite my tongue from laughing.

"That was lamer than your face." I shot back. 

"You like my face." He smirked, winking at me, "Okay how about this one...I don't have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?" He burst into a fit of laughter. Still I tried to bite my tongue. 

"What? That one not work on you princess? Dang I thought it would work since you're a nerd and all." He snorted, sobering up. 

"You really have no filter do you?" I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"Nope." He replied popping the 'p'. "I swear you'll fall for me after this one. Okay ready? ... Kiss me if I'm wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?" Mason then puckered up and tried to move towards me. 

"GET AWAY!" I shrieked swatting his extended arms away. 

"Just one kiss princess! I swear you'll fall for me then." He laughed chasing me down the corridor. 

I picked up my pace and swung into an empty hall. I hate to admit it, but I was kind of having fun. I still hate the guy, but he was humoring me.

I ran into the penguin wing and knew I'd lose him. The penguin wing was closed due to the damages. So chances of him finding me here was slim to none. 

They still light the place but no one steps foot in here- or really we're not allowed. But I still come here every night for my break, Mason doesn't know of course. I wouldn't disclose this place to him. 

It was my safe haven away from him.

I closed the door behind me and walked deeper into the hall. The under water lights illuminated the hall and it was as how I loved it. Aqua, quiet, and mine. My steps echoed and the sound soothed me.

Here I was, surrounded with the memories of Brie and our childish antics. Freeing penguins, squawking at tourists, and playing hide and go seek. We imprinted this place with ourselves. Even the lonely bench at the end of the hall was ours.

I walked to it; only the sounds of my heartbeat and my shoes filled my ears. And right there carved with a corkscrew, was our initials. I traced my finger over the used wood as tears began pricking my eyes.

I missed my best friend...I missed how things were before this happened. I still hadn't talked to Brie. After Masons first day at the aquarium I had avoided her. Having her stick up for me was natural, but something in it was wrong. 

We weren't friends anymore- I had ended that. As much as my conscience had told me to forgive her, I pushed the little voice aside. I reminded myself that she chose to be with him and risk me. I wasn't worth staying for and she threw our friendship away. I was just the one who clarified it. 

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