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"Ugh." I groan and rub my eyes roughly.

My life as a high schooler part two. Sunny was right; high school isn't all rainbows and unicorns. Just thinking back, I was so happy to be in high school. Freshmen year was bliss compared to sophomore year. It was so nice. I was so naive.

School is lame. Sunny is gone now, attending USC and playing football there. Drake is at NYU, Tyler at Ohio State University, Cody at University of Rochester just to name a few. Basically, all six of them are miles and miles away. They won't come back until maybe winter break. I take comfort that Sunny is close by; it only takes a couple hours to get there.

Otherwise, I don't know anybody in the school. My friend circle has decreased down to Aaron and the twins, which is fine but now it's weird not seeing Sunny and the guys anymore. Sure I still talk and sit with the football players but I never talked to them a lot before. I usually only talked to the seniors last year.

The bright side? No more fake bimbos trying to get with Sunny through me. Well, some of the ones left are trying to grab Aaron and the twins. I don't know why when there are other goodlooking people in the school too. There's even more guys with amazingly sweet personalities!

Plus, Cody has a wonderful boyfriend already and Jarod is a player who still hasn't lasted more than a week with a girl. I really do love Jarod but he is more of a player than my brother will ever be. He really loves girls, or their bodies. He's too charming for his own good.

I think it's hilarious that girls still throw themselves at them even though Cody is "gay." He's not gay; he's bisexual but these are just labels. I don't think there's reason to point out or clarify what he is-it's not like straight people need to publicly shout out they're straight.

The only thing that hasn't changed too much is that some of the girls still hate my guts. Haters are going to hate, what a great saying.

Currently, I'm studying at my godmother Kody's café. I love the smell of coffee when I study. Though it's noisy sometimes during rush hour, I put on my headphones and listen to my music. I normally listen to rock but when I study I blast on some classical music.

I start dozing off after a couple hours. My eyes drooping slowly, the words blurring together. I come up with the bright idea of peeling eyelids open with my fingers to stay awake. Yeah, I did think it'd wake me up.

And that's how Alex found me.

"Hi?" He chuckles at my face as he hands me my favorite green tea Starbucks frappuccino with Java chips. He freaking hand-delivered my favorite drink because I was craving it. I should marry this guy.

Sorry Kody. Sometimes my craving for Starbucks trumps your coffee. I think guiltily.

I let go of my eyes; they were stinging from widening too much.

"Tired?" He frowns worriedly. I pinch his cheek and wink. I've become audacious in some of my actions if you haven't noticed.

"With you here, not anymore," I grin. "But why are you here?"

"Well, can't I visit my favorite girl?" He replies.

"Well, I don't know..." I laugh tiredly. "How'd u know I was here?"

"Where else do you normally go nowadays?" He smirks knowingly.

"True," I nod and then make room for him to sit down.

"How's UCLA?" I ask wistfully. That's my dream school.

"We are going against USC's football team soon." His eyes gleam wickedly. He may be on better terms with Sunny, but that doesn't mean he won't miss the opportunity to mess with him.

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