Hybrid [Part 2]

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When you opened your eyes, you stare straight at a ceiling."I'm alive" you thought and tried to get up, but every inch of your body hurts. You looked around. The room isn't big, quite small actually. Practically everything's made out of wood.

You heard someone talk outside and then the doorknob turns. In walk two guys. Both are tall and nicely built. One has black hair and brown eyes, the other brown hair and green eyes. They look like they're about your age.

"You're up, great" The brown haired one said."I hope you're feeling well."

"I will be when you tell me who you guys are."

"I am so sorry, I forgot my manners. My name is Ethan and this is Daniel. May I ask what you name is?"

"Irish" you answered

"That's a lovely name, Irish" Ethan said. Daniel doesn't seem to care.

"Where am I?" The guys looked at each other.

"You don't know?"

"No, but would you please tell me?"

Daniel looked at you. "She's wearing the emerald."He silently said. Ethan looked at you. "I am getting Adam" then he left the room.

"Sorry about that." Then Ethan returned with a tall, blonde man with blue eyes. Must be Adam you think to yourself.

"Is that?" Adam asked. Daniel and Ethan nods. Then they all look at you. "This is weird, will someone tell me what's going on?" You asked.

They look at you, you stare back."Excuse us" Adam said and dragged Ethan and Daniel outside. You hear yelling."How could you bring that thing to my house?! If the others find out we're doomed!!"

"I took you in because your family didn't want you and this is how you repay me?!" Then there's complete silence before someone says "what should we do?" Then you hear whispering but cannot make out what they're saying.

The guys walk in again and stand around the bed.

"Irish? How much do you know about your family?"

"My family? I live with my mother, what does she have to do with this? "


"Do you believe in fairytales?"

"Like princesses, princes and talking animals?"

"More like vampires and werewolves." Ethan said.

"And demons" Adam filled in.

"Vampires? Werewolves? You're kidding...right? "

"I guess we have to show her." The guys said and suddenly Ethan's no longer human, but a huge wolf. Adam has black wings and blood red eyes. Daniel doesn't bother to show you more than a quick glint of his fangs.

Adam changed back and Ethan leave the room in order to change back. "Believe us now?

"So, this is for real?"

"Yes" Daniel sigh "I am outta here" and leave.

"Don't mind him. He's not much of a people person."

"Why did you call me a thing?"

"You heard that?"

"Well....you were yelling."

Adam looked at you. "You're human...for now."

"What do you mean 'for now'?"

"You're birthday is coming soon, isn't it?"

"Next week, why?"

"Well...Enjoy your last week as human" Adam said and walked out.

You're left alone with your thoughts, and you're thinking about your birthday, the emerald necklace, of what's going to happen to you, where are you, your home, and your best friend Anna.

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