Hybrid [Part 17]

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You wake up to find that Daniel is gone, like he always is. You sighs, thinking that when the clock strikes midnight, every thing will change. Adam walks in. "Sorry, didn't know you were up."

"Where's Daniel?"

"Don't know." Adam says and picks up the plate he brought in last night

You walk with him back to the kitchen. Ethan is there finishing his breakfast. He smiles and puts his plate in the sink before leaving you alone with Adam. You put two pieces of bread in the toaster and waits.

"So...How are you today?" Adam asks.

“Great....At least I am still human...”

"It probably won't be that bad." He says trying to make you feel better, but somehow you don't. You grab the pieces of toast and put them on your plate. Adam is watching you like he wants to say something.


"Nothing. Sure you're okay?"

“YEAH! I said I am fine.”

"Then how come I don't believe you?" Adam says and grins.

"Because you care?" You say with a harsh tone.

Adam rolls his eyes. "Fine, be that way." He is about to walk out when he turns. "It's your last day as human, you might consider enjoying it."

He leaves you alone with your food and you stare at the plate. You know he's right, but you just can't help but feeling that there's something wrong. Nevertheless, you decide to apologize to him. You look every where, but can't find him.

Then you hear noises coming from a door, you barely opens it and listens.

"Do you think the bars will hold?"

"They held me remember?"

It's Adam and Ethan talking.

"How do we do this then?"

"We can't just throw her in here. Maybe we could trick her."

Your eyes widen; they are doing what!?

"I feel bad about this, Ethan. Maybe she won't turn into anything bad."

"The moon will be full tonight, even I needed to be locked up when I first turned."

"But you are a werewolf, you're animals. No offense." Adam complains.

"None taken. She is half werewolf too remember."

"Still, I say we don't do this."

"What if she kills? Do you want that on you?" You hear Ethan almost whisper those words. "This is for her own protection."

"Okay" the conversation stops. You close the door as quiet as possible and back away from it.

Instead of heading for your room you walk straight to the front door opens it and runs

You ran as far as your feet could take you, not looking back, not thinking about when they might catch up with you. You stay away from open fields, since you knew that Adam can fly and easily see you there. After a while you decide to stop for a few minutes

You got up and started to run again. Meanwhile back at the house the guys have realized that you're gone.

"This is not good." Ethan walks back and forward in the room.

"Calm down Ethan. She might just be hiding somewhere."

"No! I will not calm down, if she was here I would have smelled her." Ethan yells and is about to hit Adam, when Daniel walks in.

"First, what's going on, second, WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?" Both Adam and Ethan look down ashamed. Daniel drops the bag he was carrying.

"She left Dan." Adam says.

"She did what?" Daniel walks over to him and glares at him.

"She left the house, we don't know where she is and we don't know why she left." Adam sneers.

"What do you do?"

"Nothing, we were getting the cage ready"

Daniel stares at them. "Please tell me that you didn't leave her alone." They blush and look at each other.

"She must have found out then. No wonder she left."

Suddenly Ethan pins Daniel to the wall. "Don't act like you're better than us, I can smell her on you."

Daniel sneers and Adam breaks them up. "This won't get us no where."

"He is right. Let’s just put our feelings aside and find her." Daniel says with his usual calm voice.

Adam nods, but Ethan hesitates. "You know I can't, not now."

"Fine, we'll lock you in, just in case." Adam says and takes Ethan down to the basement. Daniel puts on a hood and walks out of the house to find you…

You've been running all day, and you're tired and hungry.

You end up with a river. Since you're thirsty you walk out to the middle off it and drinks. Then you see your own reflection in the water. You fall down on your knees and tears run down your cheeks.

You look up and the sun has set. It's beautiful and it lights up the forest just right. At the same time it reminds you that it's less than two hours until midnight. You should be moving but you're too tired.

Daniel and Adam have been searching for you, but they haven't had any luck.

"I wonder where she could be? What if she's hurt?"

"Calm down Danny boy. She is smart. She has even kept away from the open fields of the forest."

"The sun has set." Daniel says and removes his hood. "We don't have much time."

Adam nods and flies up again. Daniel walks deeper into the forest......

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