Hybrid [Part 31]

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You walk back to the pack and Nahn is the first one to meet you.

"Do you have feelings for my son?" He asks with a stern voice.

"He is my friend." Nahn sighs.

"I need to know if you will be able to protect him if it comes to that. He is my only son."

“I will protect him with my life.”

Nahn smiles and seems to be pleased with your answer.

"I will watch over your son, as he will watch over me, like the rest of your pack won't." You say and walk away from him.

"Will you be able to kill your sister?!" He yells after you.


Ethan, Adam and Daniel are waiting for you outside the cave. "Hi guys. What's up?"

Ethan smiles and gives you a little box. "What is this?"

"Open it and you'll see." Adam winks.

You open it and you see the emerald necklace that brought you here.

Ethan smiles and puts it on you. "It will help you."


"I'm not sure, I didn't get to read through the book before I had to go."

You look at them. A couple of weeks ago you wouldn't trust them with your life, now their life is in your hands.

"So? Are you ready?"

"No, and yes. I guess I can't really prepare for what's to come. I just have to deal with it."

"Irish?" You turn and see Zerlina looking at you.

"What is it Zerlina?"

"They're coming." She whispers and you look at the forest.

You sniff around in the air, you close your eyes to concentrate. Then you smell something, someone, her. They're a couple of miles from where you're standing. You open your eyes and they're black. "Get the pack ready Ethan. They're coming."

Ethan leaves you alone with Adam, Daniel and Zerlina.

"Zerlina, I want you to hide. Don't let them find you."

Zerlina nods and runs away.

"What's your plan?" Daniel asks and stands by your side.

"First, not die, second.....I don't know."

You take Adam and Daniel's hands and walk towards the pack. Then you let go and walk up in front with Nahn and Ethan.

"Is this it?" Nahn asks without looking at you.

"I guess." Then you stand there, waiting. The darkness surounds you.

Then you see your sister walking towards you with an army behind her. She stops 75 feet from you."So this is where you've been hiding. It wasn't that hard to find."

"It wasn't hard to find because I let you find it. If I didn't you would still be walking."

Anna glares at you and opens her mouth to say “Attack!!! But my sister is mine!!" Anna yells and vampires and werewolves lunches at each other leaving you and Anna standing in between staring at each other. Your sister starts to walk in circles around you and you follow her.

"Not wearing your true skin."She smirks, making you turn.

"Happy now?" You glare at her. She is still walking. "Why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?"

"I tried, you knocked me out, remember?"

"I am talking about the ten years you spent with me."

She doesn't answer you. Instead she attacks you, but you manage to dodge it. "Could it be because we were friends? Or that I am your sister?"

Anna jumps on you, making you fall onto the ground. "You're not my sister, you're a bastard child."

You kick her away and get back on your feet."I think you wanted to kill me, but than something changed. You actually started to feel something. Something you've never felt before."

"SHUT UP!"Anna yells and her eyes are red now, and her long fangs are out. "I never liked you. The only reason I put up with you was because you weren't a threat."

You grab her and throws her away. "You see, I don't believe you." You say while walking towards her. She kicks you in the face and then she hits you.

Anna pins you to the ground. "I hate you."

"You're lying...I am betting you can't kill me."

"What are you betting?"

"My life?"

"Bad bet." Anna whispers and bites you. You kick her and sends her flying.

Anna picks up a sword and tries to stab you. "Still thinking I won't kill you?"

You don't answer, you just dodge the sword. Then you manage to make her drop it and it lies near your feet. You and Anna glares at each other. Then you both try to reach it

You’re both on it and refuse to let go. You hit Anna so she drops it, but she drags you with her. Then you're both standing, face to face on your knees, breathing heavily. In the corner of your eye you see the sword lying on the ground.

You see Anna reaching for the sword, but before you can do anything you feel a piercing pain, and you stare into your sisters eyes. Blood is coming out of her mouth. "I....ri...sh...?" You look down. You see the sharp rock you found earlier in the river

Anna falls down in front of you. You look around you, every one has stopped fighting and the guys are running towards you. You feel weak, and your hands lands on the ground. The pain is coming from you're stomach. You look down and see blood.

You feel something sharp going into you. The sword. Anna actually drove the sword into you. You're eyesight slowly fades out and before everything turns black, you hear a voice calling your name.

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