Hybrid [Part 24]

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You can't believe that it's him. You hug him tightly."Even though I'm technically dead, I kinda need to breath."

You let him go and you look up on his face and see that sweet smile. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He says and strokes your cheek.

Then you realize where you are, and that Daniel is in danger. "Why are you here? You shouldn't be here!"

 "Calm down." You start to ramble.

"The werewolves will find you, hurt you, kill you....and...”

"They won't find me."

How can you be sure?

"Because they just won't."

"That's not an answer."

He laughs and motions for you to sit.

"Why are you here?" You say and sits down by the river.

"Because I just had to. I couldn’t bare the thought of you hating me for what I did."

“It doesn't matter, I am glad you're alright.”

"You are?" He asks with big eyes. You nods and he moves closer. "I need to tell you something. Your sister....She is angry, really angry. She will do what ever it takes to get to you."

"Does she know?"

"Know what?"

 That you spent a week with me and didn't turn me in?

He shakes his head.

"What will happen when she does?" Daniel looks away from you.

"Then I am in big trouble."

"Will she kill you?"

"Either that or use me to get to you." He looks at you again. When your eyes meet, you almost forget your sister.

“Why does things have to be so complicated?”

He leans forwards and kisses you gently. Then he pulls away and stands up. "You have to tell Ethan and Adam that Anna is coming for you."

You nod and get up. "Are you leaving?"

Daniel nods and hugs you. "I have to return to Maria, she needs me."

I understand....

He lets go off you and kisses you one more time before he leaves. You sit down again. For a while you sit by the river and gaze. Then you decide to head back. When you get back to the pack, you see Ethan and Adam sitting by a fire, away from the others.

Ethan and Adam smiles when they see you. You smile back and sit down.

"Daniel was here?" Ethan suddenly ask. You forgot he could smell if where with someone.

"Yeah. But he is gone now."

"What did he want?" Adam asks suspiciously.

"Anna. She is determined to find me."

"She won't."

"Yes she will! We can't hide forever." you whisper and lower your head. The three of you sit silently for a while.

"Well. We can't do anything tonight. How about we talk it over with the pack tomorrow?"

"Works for me." Adam says and gets up. "I am going to bed. Are you guys coming?"

"Not tired."Ethan says.

"Me neither" you reply.

"Good night then. Don’t stay up to late, and don't let the bed bugs bite." He smirks and leaves.

Ethan moves closer to you and you both gaze into the fire. "So how was it to see Daniel again?"


"That's it?"

You nod without taking your eyes off the fire. Silence spreads out again and you two sit there until the fire burns out.

"It is late, we should get some sleep." Ethan says and stands up, and walk away.

You quickly follow him. "You're leaving me alone like that? Aren't you afraid that some one will kill me?" You tease him. Ethan grabs your hand and pulls you closer.

He smiles for a little while, then his face turn serious. He lets you go. "You know how I feel about you."

"Ethan don't. If either one off you tell me that, I don't know what I'll do." He looks at you and slowly kisses you. It's still is exactly like the first one

He pull away and smile. "I am not going to say anything....Although I think you already know." You two walk back to the little cave that the pack gave you to sleep in. And tomorrow is a new day

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