Hybrid [Part 9]

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You wake up and realize that Daniel is gone.

The sun is already up. “four days left" you think and walks out and over to the kitchen. Adam is there making breakfast, or maybe trying to is a better way of putting it.

“Morning Adam, I didn't know you could cook.” You greeted.

"Daniel left so I am stuck with making breakfast, and somehow I suck at it." He says and looks a little disappointed. "At least he's not mad at me anymore." you think and walks over to him. "It might be a good idea to let me do that."

"Maybe you're right." He smiles and steps aside so you can see what's cooking (or burning)

"Alright, first question, what is this?"

He blushes. "Eggs" You throw away the eggs.

"Second question, what did you do to them?"

"I guess I forgot them on the stove" He is still blushing like crazy.

"Well, it’s not food anymore, sorry. I'll make some waffles."

His face lights up and he smirks. "I love waffles."

“Good, because that's the only thing I know how to make.” You laughed.

You start to make waffles and Adam is looking at you. "Need a hand?"

"Sure, can you mix this for me?" You say and hands him a bowl.

"I think I can handle that." He winks at you.

"I am sorry for yesterday. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that." He looks down in the bowl.

"It's fine, don't worry about it."

"I do worry. You're different from the other girls. I kinda like you." He says and looks at you.

You smile and takes the bowl from him.

"What? Am I too forwards with you? Come on, I just said I liked you, I didn't say I love you." He stands up and moves closer to you. "But who knows, maybe someday I...." he is interrupted by the door.

Daniel walks in and Adam walks away from you. "Where have you been?" You asks puts the first waffle on a plate.

"Out" Daniel says and sits down.

"Out where?" Adam says and sits down beside him.

"They know."

“They know what? Why is everything a secret with you guys?”

"They know she's here. And worse.....She knows."

You places two plates with waffles in front of the guys. "Who?"

Daniel looks at you. "You're sister."

“Right...I had a sister. What about my sister?" The guys doesn't even look at you, and you know that this is bad. "I am a big girl, I can handle the truth."

Daniel takes your hands. "She was the one who killed your father."

“WHAT!!!???” you said, shocked.

"There are only a few people that knows the truth about how your father was killed, the rest was killed by your sister, I was lucky to get away." You let go of his hands and steps back.

"What will she do to me?"

"If she finds you, she will kill you."

“Great, the only family I've got left wants to kill me.”

Adam walks over to you and hugs you. "We won't let that happen to you." You push him away and walks out of the room. You can't seem to get your thoughts straight and need some time alone. Meanwhile, we'll go and met your sister

Your sister is screaming at her guards. "HOW did she manage to get back here?! And why haven't you found her yet!!!" "My Queen, we have every spy out searching for her, it won't be long." She pins him to the wall choking him.

"It's not good enough. In four days she'll change and then it might be to late." She realises the guard and he falls to the ground. "We have found the one who sent her here." "Bring him in".

The old man that gave you the emerald necklace is brought before your sister. "I know you sent her here. How?" The old man chuckles. "You're never going to find her,your time is up, my queen." She hits him and turns away. "I will find her and I will kill her, she will not have my throne.

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