Hybrid [Part 20]

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"Irish?" You let out a sigh of relief, it's Adam's voice.

"Adam? What happened?" He doesn't respond. "Where's Ethan?"

"In the other cell next to me. I think he is still knocked out."

"And Daniel?" Adam doesn't responds and a door is opened.

A woman walks in with two guards, they are all wearing hoods that covers their face. "Well, look what we have here, my beloved sister." The woman said, still covering her face.

You just glare at her.

"I am disappointed, I thought it was going to be harder”

“If you unlock me, then I could make it real hard for you....but you might not like it. “

"But then again, I was too late, I couldn't keep you from turning." She is closer now, but you still can't see her face.

"I am disappointed in you too. I never guessed you would be afraid of showing your face." You blurt out and you sister chuckles.

She slowly removes her hood and reveals a smiling face.

"You?" You say and stare at your sister. "No, it can't be you." No way could it be her, there is no way you will believe her.

"Rish, Rish....It's me, it's been me all along." She smirks and moves closer to the cell.

"No." You shake your head.

"Anna. I can't believe that it was you all along. We were best friends, we were going to college together."

"And you weren't suppose to change." You stare at the girl that had been your friend all these years.

"One week, one freaking week was all I needed to keep up with you. Then that idiot sent you here." Anna's smile is gone. "That man, the one that gave me that necklace…Yeah, I had to get rid of him, but then I couldn't find you."

"I am here now." You say and grins.

"Not funny Rish! If you had just stayed back on earth you wouldn't be a problem! Now you've....I don't even know what you are." You can see how frustrated she is, it's almost like she’s jealous.

"I know I am better than you." You say and smile, which makes Anna hit one of her guards.

"Do not talk to me that way! These friends of yours are here too, and I have no problem with hurting them."

"But you have a problem hurting me?"

Anna's face change.

"I wonder, is it because you're scared of me? Or is it because we're sisters?"

Anna's pale face is now red, she is almost shaking with anger.

"I am not scared of you....and I hate you!!!" She is about to leave, then she turn back to you

"And if you thought I was the only one betraying you, then you're wrong."

"What are you talking about?"

"Why don't you ask the one who got you here?" Anna crosses her arms and smiles.

"Who brought me here?" Anna smiles and opens a door. The one standing in the other room, you can't believe your eyes. First your best friend, now him. "Daniel?"

You stare at Daniel, and you can't believe he would do that. Daniel looks around in the room, and refuses to look you in the eyes.

"He is a good boy." Anna says and pinches his cheeks, making him look at you. "Isn't he precious?"

"Make me proud Daniel." Anna says and leaves with the two guards.

"So that's where you were every morning? With her?!" Adam growls from the cell next to you.

"It is not like that."

"No? Then tell us Daniel, what are you doing?"

Daniel doesn't answer, he just stares at the wall, so he doesn't have to look at either one of you.

"TELL US!!!" Adam yells and wakes Ethan up.

"What's going on?"

"Ask Danny boy, he knows!"

Ethan stands up and walks over to the cell door. "Daniel?"

"I had no choice." Daniel finally says.

"No, because signing us up for death row was such a great choice." Adam says and rolls his eyes.

"It's not like that!" Daniel yells back.

"Then why Daniel? Why did you do this?" Ethan is now demanding an answer.

Daniel looks away again, clearly hurting. Ethan and Adam keeps trying to get him to talk, without success.

"Give it a rest guys." You suddenly say and both of them back down.

"Daniel?" You try to make contact with him. He turns to you and looks at you.

"You have to believe me Irish, I didn't want this to happen." Daniel pleads.

"I know, but you have to tell us why. Please Daniel, I need to know why you would do this."

Daniel walks over to your cell. "She has my little sister, I have to obey her."

"You do? What's her name?" You ask and you can see a little smile on his face.

"Maria. You would like her."

"I probably will. But I have a little problem. I am locked up by someone who wishes to kill me. You have to get us out of here."

Daniel shakes his head."I am sorry, but I can't. Not while Maria is with Anna."

You see Ethan and Adam rushing towards the cell doors, but you gives them both a stern look, which makes them step down. "Okay." You say and look at Daniel.

"Okay? Is that all? You’re not going to yell at me?" Daniel looks worried.

"You should leave."


"Because we're getting out of here." You can see that he wants to argue, but you nods. "Take care of Maria, we'll be fine."

Daniel nods and is about to leave.

"Why didn't you turn me in earlier? Why now?"

"You know why." Daniel says, smiles and then he leaves.

"Okay Rish, how are you going to get us out off here? You’re chained to the wall." Adam asks.

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