Hybrid [Part 25]

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You get up early, not wanting to see anyone. Adam and Ethan are still sleeping, so you decide to take a walk. When you get out of the cave you discover that the rest is sleeping as well, except for this young girl. She is trying to reach something.

"Do you need help?" You ask while walking towards her.

"No." The girl says and glares at you, before she continues to try. You look up to see what it is. It is a doll, someone must have thrown it up there.

"Sure you don't need help? Because I could get it down in like a second...”

The girl growls and jumps again. You're kinda bored so you reach up and grabs the doll. The girl watches you as you look at her doll. It looks old, and one of the eyes is missing."Here" You say and hands her the doll.

"Thank you"

“You're welcome”

The girl grabs her doll and hugs it."Now what is your name?" You ask.

"Zerlina" the little girl answer.

"Zerlina? That's a pretty name."

"So is Irish."

"You know my name?"

Zerlina nods.

"How come you know my name?"

"The grown-ups. They talk about you."

You roll your eyes. "Great."

"They say you're bad. That you will hurt us."

You bend down so you can look directly at her. "Do they?"

Zerlina nods while holding her doll tightly.

"Do you think I am bad?"

Zerlina shakes her head. "No, you helped me."

You smile to her.

"I think the grown-ups are scared of you, that why they think you're bad."

"I am not bad, at least not as far as I know."

"Your sister is."

"Yes, she is."

"Will she hurt us?"

You stroke her cheek. "No. I won't let her."

"She will come for us."

You shake your head. "No....It's me she wants. not you."

Zerlina stare at you for a while. She has the most amazing pair of green eyes.

"She will find you." You can hear how nervous she is.

"What do you mean?"

"She will find you. You will fight and someone will die." The last part you can barely hear because she whispers it.


"Zerlina!!" Someone yells.

Zerlina start to walk away, but turns and walk back to you. "Don't worry, listen to your heart, their friendship will not be broken." She whispers in your ear and runs over to the woman who called her. You sit there, trying to get a hold off everything that the girl said

"Irish!" Some one shouts and you turn to see Ethan walking towards you. "Good morning sleepy head."

"Good morning to you too. I've seen you met little Zerlina."

"Yeah. We had an interesting conversation."

"She actually talked to you?


"That is weird. She usually just say yes or no, or growls."

"She do?"

"She must think you're special." Ethan says and smiles.

"Yeah…super special" You mumble.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, never mind."

"Hey guys" You hear Adam say.

Adam walks over and puts his arm around your shoulders. "Beautiful morning, isn't it?"

"How would you know? You slept through it." Ethan smirks.

"What?" Adam looks confused.

"It's past noon. But don't feel bad. Ethan just got up." You tease them

Adam removes his arm and stands by Ethan. "So? What shall we do today?" He asks and looks from Ethan and over to you.

"I believe Ethan said something about talking to the pack."

"Right, let's find Nahn."


"You know, huge man, kinda the leader.....my father."

“Come again? He's your father?!"

Ethan nods and starts walking. You and Adam follow him.

"Father?" You whisper to Adam.

"Don't ask." He replies.

Ethan takes you to a big cave, which makes sense because his father was big. "Okay, here we go."

You see Nahn before you."What do you want now?"He asks with a loud voice.

"We want to talk."

"Then talk."

You step forwards. "Anna is looking for me."

"We already know that."

"She will find me."

"How, the vampires haven't been able to find us in the past"

"She will this time."

He look at you. "And what makes you so sure?"

"I just am." You can see that he is not going to accept that answer.

"She talked to Zerlina." Ethan burst out, Nahn is suddenly more interested.

"You did?"

“Yes...who cares?”

"What did she say?"

"She said that Anna will find me."

 "That's it?"

You hestiate.

"Yes." Nahn stands up.

"We must begin to prepare us. Apparently we're expecting company." Then he walks past you and the guys

You turn around and walk over to Ethan and Adam. "What happens now?"

"We'll prepare" Adam says. "And then we wait."

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