Hybrid [Part 18]

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You're still sitting in the middle of the river, when you suddenly feel something sting you.

Then another, suddenly your in serious pain and rolling around in the water. You feel your bone breaking and things moving under your skin. In stead of screaming like you wanted to, you let out a loud growl.

The pain just increases and you feel like you're dying. Then all of the sudden it stops and you look up and sees the full moon. Although everything is pitch black, you can still see every thing. You stand up and you're feeling stronger than ever.

“Irish?" You hear a voice behind you. You turn around and see Daniel standing there. He looks at you with huge eyes. His mouth is still open but nothing's coming out of it. Afraid of what you've become you turn away and stare down into the reflection in the river.

The creature looking back isn't like anything you've seen before. You’re hair is black, your skin in a black shade and you're entire eyes are black. You open your mouth to see fangs, bigger and more than Daniel.

"Daniel? What am I?" You turn around and you see fear in his eyes. He doesn't answer you, just stares and shakes his head. You walk toward him and he steps backward, so you stop.

"I have seen a lot in my life, but I have never seen that." He says.

"Daniel, I am still me? Can't you see that?" You try to smile, but realize that it's not that easy with your new set of teeth.

"DANNY BOY!!! WHERE ARE YOU?" You hear Adam's voice above you.

"HERE!" Daniel yells and Adam lands nearby him.

Adam look at Daniel, he hasn't noticed you yet. Daniel is still staring at you.

"Hello? Earth to Dan?" Adam says and waves his hand in front of him, but Daniel doesn't move. Adam slowly look over where you're standing. "Holy shi...

"That's her?" Adam asks, still looking at you.

"Yes." Daniel says.

Now you're pretty angry."What's wrong with you two? You knew I was gonna change! So I am not what you expected, sorry, but I am still me. I am still that girl I was yesterday.

"I just wanna go home, back to the house." You finish and look away.

A hand is placed on your shoulder and you see Daniel smile. Adam walk over to you and hugs you. "Of course you're still you. We were just mildly shocked."

Really, because you're face said something else

"Fine, we were shocked. Happy now?" Adam smirks and releases you so Daniel can hug you too.

"Where's Ethan?" Daniel and Adam look at each other.

"He's in his cage."


"Because of you. He wasn't able to control his feelings." Adam says.

"We should leave before someone catches your scent." Daniel says and grabs your hand. Suddenly you hear a loud howl. When you turn around you see a huge werewolf in front of you.

"Shit" Adam and Daniel look at the wolf.

"Do you know something I don't?" You ask and look at them.

"Do you happen to remember how Ethan looked when he was a werewolf?" Adam asks. You look over to the werewolf again and you realize who it is.

You stare at the werewolf. "No. it can't be him." You whisper and look back at the guys.

The werewolf growls and goes down on four legs, ready to attack.

"I've got an idea, a great one actually." Adam folds out his wings.

“Really? What is it?”

"RUN!" Adam yells and flies up, leaving you and Daniel running from Ethan.

"Why is he attacking us?" You yell and run past Daniel. "Because it's full moon, his instincts take over. That's why we lock him up."

"Well he isn't locked up now!"

"He must have broke free!" Daniel yells and catches up with you.

"Duh. And you were afraid of me." Suddenly Ethan jumps in front of you. "Wow...where did he come from, I though he was behind us." You say and see Daniel trying to attack him

The full moon has given Ethan even more strength and he hits Daniel, sending him flying into a tree. Then Adam flies down and tries to tackle Ethan, but he receives the same treatment as Daniel. Ethan is now looking at you.

Ethan attacks you, but you're suddenly filled with some sort of force, which makes you able to stop Ethan. He lands on all four and growls. Then he tries to hit you again with his paw. You stop him and look him in the eyes. "Ethan, snap out of it!"

Ethan growls and hits you. You fall on the ground and look up on him with your black eyes. This time it is you who is the strongest one. You quickly stands up, run behind him hand hits him so that he flies through the air and hits a huge rock.

You breath heavily and you feel the blood running through your body, then you turn to Ethan. He is no longer in his werewolf form, but you see his skin and you calm yourself down. Adam walks over to Ethan and picks him up and flies back.

Daniel walks over to you. "That's kinda why we are afraid of you. You've stronger that anything I've seen. It's like some sort of force jus kicked in and controlled you." He says and looks at you with his sweet eyes. He was right, it wasn't entirely you.

"We should leave, I don't want her to find you." Daniel says and takes your hand. You smile and you two walk back together. Your new look doesn't seem to scare him any more. You look up at the moon. It is glowing and it calms you down.

You arrive at the house and Daniel takes you in to see Ethan. You feel bad about him laying there because of you.

"How is he?" Daniel asks and looks at Adam.

Adam shakes his head.

You sit down by Ethan's bed and holds his hand.

“I am so sorry Ethan. Please wake up... we need you”

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