Chapter 18

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I thought I liked school. Maybe it was that I used to like school. Freshman year was less complicated than this year has been. I miss last year and being an innocent Sophomore. Everything was better before he came into my life and when I thought he was some messed up popular jock who didn't care about anyone or anything. Back when he wasn't standing at my locker begging me to speak to him.

"Emma, please. Stop being so difficult. Why were we fine then all of a sudden you start acting like you don't know me?" Austin pleads. I wish I didn't know you, I want to say.

"Austin leave me alone. I don't wanna talk about it. You know what you did." I storm off, slamming my locker behind me.

"We will be discussing this later. See you in Buckingham's." He yells, just as angered as I am but I am too far down the hall to hear him loudly.

I make my way to science class, making plans in my head and coming up with ways to avoid him today. I'm forced to be in English with him and even work on that stupid essay of ours. There's no way I'm forgiving him. He slept with Courtney, the drug dealing cheerleader. I don't know why he would even think about doing something as stupid as that. Just when I had started to catch feelings for him, he leads me on like it's nothing, then goes and messes around with her like life's just a game to him. He doesn't take anything seriously. Not school, friends, relationships, or even that project in English. Nothing matters to him anyway.

We got to mix chemicals to form some kind of chemical reaction. It wasn't too boring. Then we had free time to do whatever we wanted to. I took a nap almost the whole time. It wasn't anything special considering that I am usually half asleep every morning in that class. The teacher doesn't seem to care what we do.

When I get to Math, I also find myself getting a headache and stressed over today's lesson. Alexis sits next to me and we spill tea, as usual. Apparently she and Sarah are hitting things off well. I decide not to tell her about Austin and me this morning. With her, sometimes it's best not to tell her things like that. That is unless you're prepared to answer a billion questions about everything and be expected to give specific details about details. Don't get me wrong, she is a great friend and nice third cousin, but sometimes she can be a little extra.

I went to lunch and sat with Nicole and Brittany, as usual. They both gossiped about popular people and girls that they hate. Rumors about Courtney were slowly spreading, along with ones about her friends. Nothing too interesting. That was until Nicole brought up the boy topic.

"Noah has asked me out twice every year since eighth grade. I mean, I get that we've been friends since we were like toddlers but you think that I have rejected him enough for him to stop. Who would like me anyway? He is cute, but we're friends. If something were to go wrong, I don't think we could ever be friends again. Would it be worth risking the friendship?"

"Do what you think is best, Nicki. After all, in the end, you will be the one deciding. If you truly do have feelings for him in return, it would be worth it. Y'all have been friends forever, I doubt a breakup could change that. How do you know you will break up? Just think about it, okay." I tell her truthfully.

"Thanks, Emma. You are really good at giving advice."

Finally, the bell rings and I was on my way to my last class. Unfortunately, it was my most dreaded. Avoiding him had been a success, until now. I walk down the hall from lunch slowly, hoping to waste as much time as possible. I will most likely end up being called out in front of everyone for being late but at this point, I could really care less. Being late to class is something I end up doing on a daily basis so I'm pretty sure my teachers are used to it by now. One day I'll get detention for it, but not the second week of school.

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