Chapter 19

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Emma's POV

My mind keeps replaying yesterday's events over and over in my head, unwilling to stop. I honestly don't know why the things that happened yesterday happened. There's this thing I do where I go through the motions every step of the way and try to figure out why I did what I did. Except for this time, I can't seem to figure it out. Why did I cry? Why did I kiss him? What was I thinking? I wasn't. It's funny what emotions can do to a person. I forgave him yesterday, but everything after that was a little unnecessary. I still have a lot to think about and at this point, I'm just some confused girl who can't think straight to save her life.

I don't have an answer to the situation with Aunt Amber. She's always been like this since I was little and I know she won't let petty little things like this go. Living alone isn't such a big deal for me anymore. Yes, I get that it's illegal for my age, but I've done it for so long that officials should've done something about it when I was fourteen. Amber doesn't get how much her niece had to grow up and mature on her own without parental guidance or someone to lean on. She doesn't care either. She has always been selfish and all about herself. It wasn't how she was raised because my mother would've been the same, but she wasn't. My mother was so kind and generous. She was everything a person could ask for. Never did she get unreasonably mad or angry at me and we had a lot of fun memories together. It is sad that the best kind of people leave us too soon. I miss her, every single day.

I've thought a lot lately about messaging my Aunt Carrie and talking about visiting New York someday. She did message me a few weeks ago and told me to hit her up. She told me that I was welcome to come to hang out for a weekend. I know it is on the other side of the states, but it would be worth it. Maybe during thanksgiving, it's only three months away and it would give me plenty of time to book a flight. Carrie is so sweet when I come to see her. I've never been too much of a diva but her job is great. She has more sense of style then I'll ever have. She normally calls me on my birthday to wish me a happy birthday. I'll be seventeen in October so I won't be surprised if I hear from her before thanksgiving, though I'm not expecting to. Never expect things in life unless you want to set yourself up for disappointment. Just one of the harsh things I've learned about life.

Once I graduate college and get my degree in sociology, I want to travel the world. I don't really know how that's supposed to work with my career, but I will figure it out. Maybe going to Brazil would be interesting. Paris has been on my bucket list since I was seven. I'm not sure about my future, but who is? It is the future. Now I'm just rambling to myself in my head. Great. I have mental problems and this is more proof. I can't help that science has been boring this morning. Someone came to basically lecture us on future science careers and how interesting it is to go into that field. I'd rather not become an astronaut at this point so I think I'm good.

Twenty minutes later, the bell rings and I rush out of there while the man is still talking. He must be deaf. I'm not the only person who hurried out either. Many classmates yell a "bye" or "thank you" on their way out before rushing in the halls to their next class. Luckily, I have math next. I wouldn't call myself lucky because math is anything but fun. I actually dread that class more than English sometimes, depending on the amount of homework and how many hours I have to waste finishing it at home.

"What are you doing this weekend?" Alexis asks me.

"I'm not sure, why?" I reply.

"Just wondering. Thought about going to the mall if you wanted to come along." I hate shopping.

"I'll think about it. Also, I thought you'd like to hear that I've got detention for the next two days and this afternoon." I tell her.

"Emma! You've never had detention before, like ever! What did you do??" She loudly exclaims, eyes wide with shock.

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