Part 1: Chapter 2

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I think it was about 45 minutes until I was woken up by one of these three big guys. The guy gripped me up onto my two feet. I was shaking but I never shed a tear. I stood there and bowed my head not looking at the man that stood before me. I stood straight and didn't make a sound. "I am Mr. De Villa. Also, known as your boss. You will address me as Boss is that understood?" he asked and I nodded.
"Now Carlos undress her" he said. The guy that was holding me straight started taking off my clothes. I tried to push him off me yelling "Hey stop that don't touch me!" In a split-second I was dropped to the ground with my arms bent back with a gun pointed to my temple. My heart started to race.
"Hold" The Boss said before the guy on my left cocked back the safety lock. "You see right now you would have been dead. But you are the only way I will get my money back from my backstabbers also known as your mother and father. So, unless you want your brain blown out I suggest you obey my every command before my favorite white suit gets stained." I got up and Carlos put his gun away. I took a deep breath. Then the Boss said "Continue Carlito. And don't move Crystal" How did he know my name?
    So, the guys stripped me down to just my purple panties. Then the Boss had a feel of me. I felt so disgusted I wanted to curl up in a ball but I couldn't I had to show no weaknesses. Not anymore. When he slid down my side and too my panties I cringed. 'Please don't let him hurt me' was all I thought. He didn't but he said "You have a nice body. I know the quickest ways you can pay your debt you be a stripper at my club up in a place called Englewood." I had to do this for them. "What will happen when I pay off my debt?" I asked.
"You are free. You can do what you will. If you want to stay, whatever you chose so shall be it. But you are hanging on a thread I have a low tolerance for people who disobey me" he said in a heavy accent.
"W-what if I don't want to do this?"
"That's cute you think you have a choice. You don't have one. Either you work for me or...." he pulled his gun out and put it to my temple "I can simply kill you right now. Now what do you choose?" He asked. My palms were getting sweaty and my heart sped up. I didn't answer. "Fine then we are agreed that you will work for me. So if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to. Oh and you are going to need a stage name. I will send my secretary to escort you to pole dance training" I nodded. In a bit the lady came and got me. When we got to the nightclub, we walked pass the entrance where there were men at the bar, loud music overpowering the conversations. A blond chick dancing on the pole and collecting the money as she goes on. I looked around and some girls were on the ground dancing on men. When we got to the back of the stage I was greeted by some other girls. There was five of the girls. Cece, Misty, Mel, K and Candy. They never told me their real names. I guest Boss didn't want us to get in trouble. Those girls taught to strip dance and how to seduce the men the right way. It was fun I had to admit. We would practice my dance routines and seducing a man by role-play the first week I was there. When we were finished the night the girls and I had to live in this one house together. While Cece and I were talking, she told me about how she ended up here. She just needed the money for her kids stay at an apartment, I didn't want to say why I was here because I barely just met her.
    One night after we had just got from work, I made up to $240 but I had to give some to the boss of course. But I decided to get myself some clothes and another bar of soap. Cece and I were just in the house smoking a cigarette when I asked Cece "Hey you wanna have some fun tonight?  
"Sure, what do you have in mind?"  
"Well since I have $50 left. Why don't we buy some vodka?"  I said after taking my last puff. "Didn't you say you never tasted it?"
"Which only make it a better experience." Cece laughed then we asked the Boss on the phone could we go out for a bit. He only told us thirty minutes because we had to go to sleep soon. So, when we got back I popped open the vodka bottle and poured a glass for the other girls and I. Then I took a sip. The burning singed the back of my throat. Cece laughed when she saw me cringe at the first shocking taste. The burning is what had me but then after a while it tasted good because I began to forget about the burning.
The next morning I woke up with a bad migraine. I looked on the side of me and misty was asleep next to me. I got up out of the bed and went to bathroom. Before I did anything, I had this sudden urge to vomit. I ran quickly to the toilet and emptied out the content that was shooting up my throat like a canon. When I was finished, I flushed the toilet then brushed my teeth. I couldn't remember anything of what happened at all other than the strip club. But it wasn't until I went to take a shower and saw a bite mark on my thigh then I had remembered that Misty and I had sex. Who knew that I went that way. When I got out of the shower was when I heard a knock on the door. I took the spare towel that was hanging on the back of the door and wrapped my body with it before exiting the bathroom. Misty was at the door. I blushed when I noticed a hickey on her neck. I whispered in her ear "you might wanna cover up that little hickey on your neck before show time this afternoon" because all the other girls were still sleeping and plus I don't like eavesdroppers. She blushed and whispered back "Maybe I don't want to"
"Well you don't want the boss to suspect you are messing around with a customer now do you"
"But you weren't one" I really didn't know what to say after that, I just went back to my room and got dressed for serving on the floor. Tonight, I wasn't scheduled to dance.

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