Part 2: Chapter 21

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Stevies POV
Something wasn't sitting right with me. I wanted to go back for my mom but I also wanted to look for my dad. I woke the guy up and explained what was going on and he fully he let me borrow his laptop and I looked up my father's name, it came up Google search. It says that he was in Pittsburgh. We'll just about 2 hours away. I actually got a can he drive me there, so he did. Unfortunately he wasn't at the door however his brother was and which was my uncle. 10 10 minutes after getting to know my uncle my dad walked in the door. He dropped his bags immediately. His body just froze in that position.
"Why does she look familiar?" Was all he can mutter.
"I'm your daughter."
"Yes it's me" I said as my voice cracked.I walked up to him and gave him the biggest hug ever. We both cried in joy.
"So where is your mom?" He asked.
"She was kidnapped by this guy named Felix. 5 years ago I could have sworn you died."
" No I was in a coma and I didn't even know. Your mother and some other guy dropped me off at the hospital and left.I suppose it's to protect her identity as well as his. I just don't know."
" All I remember was that you got shot then Mom got shot and I got held captive 4 years until I found out that Mom was alive and he was threatening her to hurt me, if she didn't obey him."
" Where she now?"
"Still where I escaped from."
" And where is that?"
" That's the thing I don't remember, all I knew is to run and never look back."
" But how did you escape?"
" I'm pretty sure you don't want to know."
"Okay we will save that for when we actually get to her"
" Okay"
" Nonetheless I am so happy to see you, my princess."
" I'm happy to see you to papi" I said I give him a kiss and a hug.
" So how are we going to rescue her?"
"It's a crazy idea but I think it might work. What I was thinking is that Tio can take us and we can meet him a mile up from the building."
"And where would that be?"
" I don't know all the remember is that its in Chicago, there is absolutely nothing around other than corn fields and grasslands that go on for acres. I'll just have to show you"

With that we all three went to the spot where Mom was being held captive. When we got there I knew this place like the back of my hand so I know who would be working who would they be on lunch break. When I finally got to my mom she looks so bad. She looks very pale and bloody. I couldn't even recognize her face. I unlock the chains from her. I told her to stay silent as I did so. That way she nor I will get killed. There was a couple of times where we almost got caught but we made it out somehow. We ran until we saw the red Sudan waiting for us a mile away. We both hopped in the car and my uncle sped off as fast as possible.
"Is that you William? Or am I dreaming?"
"It's mean love." My dad says to her. She starts to cry, hysterically she says " I thought you were dead. I thought you were never coming back. I thought-"
" you don't have to worry about that anymore you're a safe with me."

After we got far enough we went with my uncle to get food. after I took a rag and cleaned up my mom's face, we checked into a hotel room. Later tonight all of us were talking about what happened 5 years ago.
"How could you betray me like that? How could you sleep with the one man that you vowed to never do?!" Dad yelled.
Mom flinched as if he was going to hit her because she was so accustomed to it.
"Look baby, the only reason why I didn't go back to the hospital is because she didn't wanna get caught by the police. Felix people lied and said you was pronounced dead.

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