Part 2: Chapter 16

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I woke up no see Stevie, and dead bodies on the floor with Wil. Drugged my way over to him to see if he was okay, I got frightened at the sight of his face being pale. I felt to see if he had a pulse. He did but it was slowing down so I had to hurry fast. I tried to lift myself up with all the strength I had left because I got a gun wound on left arm which wasn't really making things any easier. I looked around to see if there were any survivors. I checked Chris and Rocko but they were gone suddenly I hear one of the other guys a few feet from me said "Boss" it was Johnny I went to him and said "OMG thank god you are alive. Can you stand?"
"I don't know my knee is pretty fucked up"
"Come on I'll help you up" when I managed to picked him up with all the strength I can, he then said "what do we do about Alpha?"
"Bring him we have to take him to the hospital. I'll help you get him up"
"Where is little one?" he asked.
"I think she got kidnapped"
"I think I know where his hideout is" we carried Wil to the car. When we got him to the back seat I told Johnny to keep an eye on him until we got to the hospital.
    As we arrived at the hospital, we rushed into the E.R. Johnny helped me get him into there. Two nurses rushed to us. One got Wil a wheelchair while the other helped Johnny and I settle him down slowly into the chair. While they rushed him to the back I said "we got jumped and he got shot and is unconscious. My brother and I were lucky to make it out alive."
"Okay and where are y'all injuries?" she asked as we got close to the operation room.
"He got shot in his leg and I have an injury on my arm."
"Okay I will have someone attend to yall wounds"
"no no I'm fine I was a nurse back then"
"Oh yeah what hospital?"
"I actually forgot. But I was just training. I just have little experience"
"Who is this man to you?"
"My husband"
"Wil-Wilard De Jesus" I lied.
"Okay Mrs. De Jesus. What is his health insurance?"
"I his card"
"Then we won't be able to treat y'all"
"What!? No please don't let him die. I will pay the hospital bill when I get the money...just please I need to know if he is okay"
"Well judging by his wound and that he is unconscious he would have about a 5% chance of coming to."
"Oh god. Just please take care of him. I have to go, I'll be back soon."
"Okay but where are you going"
"To check on my daughter"
We stayed there for about 10 minutes to see if he was going to survive. After that they tried to resuscitate him but although they got him at a steady pace right now they said they will give him an hour to come to after that they will take him off of life support. But Two minutes before I left he was announced dead. I didn't have time to mourn, I said goodbye to Wil, kissing his cheek then Johnny and I went back to the car. As I started the engine I asked Johnny "Do you know where their hideout is?"
"Yeah I think so"
"Alright tell me"
    We went there in thirty minutes' flat, all guns pointed to us. Felix turned around and saw us. He smirked and said "Well if it isn't little miss Omega" he held his hand up the signal to the guys not to fire because we looked like we came unarmed. But that wasn't the case. Felix snapped his fingers and two of his men body searched up and took my gums but then I turned around and saw Johnny with his gun pointed to me.  
"Why?" I asked never really was working for you" he said as he came up to me and gripped me up. Then Felix said "That's right. He's been my bitch all along. And you didn't peep it at all" I stood silent then I asked Johnny "Why would you do this...I trusted-we trusted you with or daughter and even our house"
"Awe you think I'm supposed to care about that? Nope try again. Oh by the way Gloria wasn't the one who stole your shit I did. Guess for leader."
"Oh guess the best part of who helped with that drive by...that guy. He has been a big help." Felix exclaimed. I started crying but barely noticeable.
"So you are wondering why you are still alive and not dead with your pussy of a husband, right?" I didn't answer. "Well as you see I got your daughter.... So, if you want your daughter back give me the wolf pack and swear are not going to ever be part of the mafia ever again. Deal" I gulped. I didn't know what to do. God I need Wil to help me...what would William do? He probably would shoot him and take Stevie...but I can't do that. I saw what that did to him trying to play hero. So, that might not go as planned.
    Felix then said "I don't have all day.... either you take the deal or all both of you's die. No, my bad...a little history repeat for Stevie. You know what I'm talking about Demi" he deliberately said my stage I know what he was going to do to her I couldn't let that happen. I don't want her to repeat my past. So, I finally said "Fine...have it. I just want my daughter"
"you know what...Slight change in the deal, I get an even better deal now" that was the last thing I heard before he clicked back the safety lock and fired it at me.

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