Part 2: Chapter 15

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My heart started to race and I could feel my hands beginning to shake as tears started pouring down my cheeks and my breathing became uneven. I heard the door open then close hearing Wil's voice ask "Baby are you okay?"
"No... I'm having a panic attack." he came in front of me and he said "Okay look at me watch me" I looked up at him and he said "breath in from your nose and out through your mouth"
"I-I can't Wil"
"Baby calm down it's okay"
"Stop saying that! It's not okay! I could have stopped those mother fuckers from killing my parents! But I didn't!" I said crying into his chest.
"You couldn't control it babe. No one could've. Please breath."
When I spent eleven minutes trying to get my panic under control we went back into the room and Stevie looked at me asking "Mom what happened...was it something I said?"
"No baby's just flashback...let me finish this because you have to know the truth" I said sitting back on my side of the bed. "It's been so long since I've talked about this. But um...this is what happened I came home from school when I was 9 and saw grandma in the bathroom with a gun shot through her head. It looked like a suicide but it wasn't...she was murdered." mom explained but then I freaked out "What! By who?"
"By Papi's dad" mom answered.
"She owed money that she never got to pay back in time"
"Yeah and the same thing happened to grandpa. But there is more to his story...he um...also had to pay a debt to your dad's father. So, um...he got murdered. But I was kidnapped by those guys who killed him and I was forced into a strip club where I um.... had to work off both their debt of 10k but then I tried to escape so...he doubled it and I had till my 19th birthday to pay it off or else."
"Wow....that's crazy..." I was beyond speechless. Then dad added "But that was only the beginning. How we met was when papa was showing me the ropes of the business because he was going to give me the business soon. Well we went to the club and he was telling me what the girls do and how to take care of them and all that. But then she came to the VIP section where me and papa was, she asked any drinks but we didn't get any. She asked him do he wants to lap dance because well she has to please her Boss but he insisted for her to give me one. So, she did.
Although I gave her some money. Her deal was that she wanted to get extra money by doing her side job but papa told me that she just wanted money but I felt like it was more than that. So, Papa told us we had to leave. But before we left I just knew there was a spark between us"
"Awe that's cute at the ending. But dad how did papa get the mafia?"
"He built it from the ground up with the inheritance he had gotten from his parents' death." dad answered "Wait besides drug dealing, what else do y'all do?"
" kill the people who don't pay us back" mom said "Oh okay so now can y'all tell me how y'all wedding was?" I answered her " was in a church that daddy's people go to pray. But it was small because we didn't want anyone to know and we both didn't have parents so yeah his guard Johnny walked me down the aisle. Our marriage wasn't necessarily planned. You see...he had gotten shot on a drive by and for him to get it fixed in the hospital he had to be married to an American. His parents never told him that he was an immigrant from Brazil. So, I married him for that reason and because I loved him and I saw a future with him and well the next day I found out I was pregnant with you"
" that's why y'all never spoke of my grandparents...any?"
"Yeah. I hope you understand why we didn't want you to have friends" mom said.
"I do mama. I'm sorry I disobeyed you.... it's just I felt lonely when the nanny was the only one I could talk to." I sincerely said to them
"Um about her...when you were five she was stealing cocaine from us which was in the basement..."
"So y'all killed her?"
"Unfortunately, yes...we had to. We felt like she was endangering you because she would do it while you were asleep. And I wasn't having it at all" dad said.
"I want you to more family secrets okay?" I said asking them.
The next day Stevie had just came home from school, Wil and I were just watching TV when we saw her come in. We greeted her with a kiss then I asked her "How was your day?"
"It's was okay but Brittany wasn't there. I guess her dad knows we go to the same school"
"Yeah but-" I was cut off by three gunshots that got fired in our house. We all ducked but one managed hit dad. Stevie froze at the sight of the blood. Wil got up in pain holding his wounded stomach, he got up and grabbed a gun that was hidden near the chimney. I tried to block him from going to the door but he didn't listen to me. I wanted to check his wound but he was focused on revenge. He opened the door and fired three shots back he was cursing in anger when they got away. I went up to Wil before he almost got lightheaded from the loss of blood. I caught him and I yell at Stevie to help me take Wil to the car.
We sat in the waiting room anxiously waiting for the doctor to tell us if my baby is okay. When the doctor came in he had told me that Wil was okay and that he just had to rest for a bit. Wil? Rest? Ha funny joke. Since when do he ever? Two days later he got discharged and once we got home we all sat down and Wil said "Okay we have decided that for your own safety you won't be going to your old private school anymore. Mami will be doing home schooling with you" Her jaw dropped then "But dad I liked my school. What about mom running the company with you?"
"She is co-owner so if there was anything to happen to me, god forbid, she will take over"
"Oh okay" Then I added "I was homeschooled at your age to so it's not that hard" "Fine"

A week later, I talked to Wil and somehow convinced him to let us show Stevie the family business. As we were going there, we had come to a stop when Stevie asked me "Mama where are we going?"
"We are going where dad and I work most of the time. It's at a warehouse"
"A warehouse why there?"
"That's our hideout"
"Oh okay" When we got there, it seemed like business was slow that is until Wil was about to shoot someone. Before he did I said "Silencer"
"What?" I know he hated being interrupted during business but I didn't give a fuck most of the time.
"Put the silencer on"
"I don't want my baby to have nightmares"
"No, she has to learn how to deal with dickheads like this pendejo" he said smacking the guy upside his head, that was knelled in front of him.
"But still.... Papi please" I pleaded with him. Then Stevie said "Mom I'm fine, I'm not a kid"
"I don't care I don't want this to scar you, like it did to me years ago. It's what I want for my baby."
"Fine. Cover her ears" Wil said to me. I covered her ears and told her to turn away. When she opened her eyes, she saw the man dropped in front of him bleeding out with no sound of agony. Wil told our guards to dump him. A few hours later Wil had just got back from a delivery when we just got down from our high. We were just talking about stupid shit. But I didn't care at least finally I can bond with her like I always wanted to. Where there are no family secrets. Wil asked me "Mami did anyone come?"
"Yeah Tito's cousin said he wanted to make a deal for powder."
"What was the deal?" he asked as he came up to me giving me a kiss and giving Stevie a kiss on her cheek.
"five for a dub"
"Call him back and I'll talk to him"
"Okay" just when I pulled out my phone, suddenly was a crash at the door. It burst open. We jerked our heads and saw Felix aka the scorpions' leader. I told Stevie to hide under the desk while we handle the guys. We all got our guns out and we were shooting left and right. But one by one people were shot down. Two of the guys finally held me hostage. Wil stopped firing when I yelled "Wil! Help!" he turned around and was about to shoot one of the guys' hand but then Felix held the gun to the back of Wil's skull saying "I'd suggest you not mejo. Drop it"
"No" Wil retaliated.
"Wil shoot him" I yelled.

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