Part 1: Chapter 7

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I glanced back at the girl and smiled. My dad then said in a stern voice "What did I say. Vamos!" As we drove back to the warehouse my papa said "If you are going to take over my business you cannot get wrapped up in girls. Remember everyone works for you. You are not their bitch to toy with. These drugs are what make you powerful. No matter what you do don't let anyone make you inferior. You are a De Vila that makes you Alpha. Now as the alpha male I'ma show you how to deal with the shipment of drugs." we drove in the driveway. Once we got to my father's office he sat me next to him and we discussed where they are coming from and who we have to pay. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and he asked "Who is it?"
"Ronnie sir"  
"Come in" Once the door opened my dad asked without looking up "What is it?"
"Your 5 o'clock is here".
"Bring him in" this scruffy looking guy came in. Dad got up out of his seat then whispered "Rule #2 don't ever be scared to kill."
Then he stepped up to the guy and asked "Where's my money?"
"W-well it was stolen"
"I've heard that lie before where the fuck is it?" "I um..."
"Don't make me say it again "
"Okay okay I didn't make that much"
"How much did you make?" I can hear the anger in his tone.
"What?!" That's when he pulled out his gun and pointed it to the guy's skull. The guy was shaking. I felt bad for him. Dad then said "I gave you ample enough time Bee! Two fuckin weeks to make 300"
"Please don't kill me I swear I-I will make it up to you please" I sat back in fright as I gripped onto the chair handles. The guy looked like he was about to cry as he pleaded to my father. My dad had a numb expression on his face as he pulled the trigger. Making the blood splatter on my dad's jacket. My dad put his gun at the edge of his desk and I was still in horror. My dad put his hand on my shoulder and said "It will be okay Nene" He took off his jacket and gave it to one of the guards then two other removed the dead man lying on the floor face down. Then dad said "I'll show you how to shoot properly later"  
2 years later, I was sitting in my office chair when my body guard Ricky said "Boss you have a client" "
Bring him in" The guy walked in feeling confident. Almost too confident. I got up and said "So where's my one grand"
"Well you see boss I had the money but-"
"In my house there will be no but's tell me the truth. You don't want to make me angry." "Okay I gave half to a friend who needed it for rent."
"Why are you lying to me?!" I shouted. Two of my other bodyguards came in and the guy got scared.
"Now are you going to tell me the truth or-"
"Please don't kill me"
"Oh I'm not going to touch you. Ma boys gonna handle you if you don't tell me this second what happened to my money"
He didn't speak. That's when I sat back in my chair and said "Well such a shame I guess you have to take this to your grave Carlos" I signaled ma boys to kill him. I just folded my hands as I watched them execute him. As they took him out of my office I continued to sign shipping papers for meth and cocaine. Three seconds later there were four people who were my trappers. I looked up as they placed the bundle of money each on the edge of my desk. As I collected the money I said "Gracias, y'all may take a break....for today since I have to go pick up some more packages." they nodded and they left. I put my pen down and rubbed my eyes. I haven't really got sleep because lately I've been dreaming of my dad. If only he was here things would've been easier.

"Now mejo I asked mike here to take you to how to deal with the shipment" my dad explained.
"Listen to him alright?"
"Okay" While we were driving I looked at the GPS and it said we were going the wrong way. I tapped Mike's shoulder and asked "Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise" We had stopped at this pier and I said "This is nowhere close to where we are supposed to be"
"No shit. Your surprise is here"
"Um...where?" That's when he yell out "boys he'd here" a second later I was surrounded by these buff men and I asked "What the fuck is going on, Is this some joke or what?"
"Well a joke to you. Revenge for me"
"What the fuck-" that's when I was kicked to the ground and got beat. When they were done with me, they tied me up and put me back into the car. I was in so much pain that I could barely speak but I managed to ask "Why me?" Mike just said "Your dad took something from me. He took away my father." When we arrived back to the warehouse we went up to my dad's office and I was thrown on. The rugged floor. I yelped in pain. My dad got up and asked "What the fuck happened to my son!?"
"We...went on a little trip"
"That's not what I fuckin asked Michael!"
That's when my dad pulled out his gun and I yell "Dad no don't!" That's when Mike pulled his gun out and shot dad once then chuckle. Dad fell back on wall and mike said walking up to him. "You see Esteban you shouldn't have killed my dad." "You fuckin bitch you don't-ahg-get it. He crossed me. My own brother tried to kill me and my wife!"
"So and now you are going to have to pay the same price." as he threatened my dad I was trying to get out of this rope. Just when mike pulled the safety clip back once more on my dad, I broke free before he got to shoot. I took my dad's spare gun and shot him in his head. When he dropped, I took his gun and grabbed tissue trying to cover the gunshot wound. Dad look up at me and said "Mejo I'm not going to make it"
"No don't say that. You will. I'll get you help. Don't do this to me Papi"
"I-Im sorry" I started crying as he began to die in my arms.
"Please dad don't go"  
"You know how I told you to be strong no matter what. This is your time. You are alpha now. I want you to carry the family"
"No I can't do this without you"
"I love you son" he said before taking his last breath.
It still hurts to be in his office but I know that I must do this. For him and only him. I wiped my tears as I thought of that day. Ricky looked at me strange because he almost never sees me cry. I got out of my seat and said "Come on we have to go to the club." talking to Ricky and the other two guys. When we got to the club and saw Crystal on the pole. Men were throwing dollars on the stage and every now and then she would pick some up and put it in her bra or on her hip between her bikini rim. When she spotted, me she looked nervous before getting off stage. When I went back stage the girl looked at me and smiled, suddenly going silent. When Crystal walked into the dressing room she got nervous. The girls left the room because they knew who I had to deal with. She slowly came up to me and I said "Hello"
"Hi boss"
"You know what day it is, three days before you turn 21"
"If I ever get to see that day" she mumbled.
"So how much did you make today?"  
"$400" she handed me the money she had near her dresser stuffed somewhere hidden and the money she had on her. I counted it and took half.
"Okay you have at least 3k left to pay off. Let's make a deal, how about you either quit this job and trap for me or you can do both" I said as I twirled her long black hair with my index finger."
"I-I don't know sir I mean can I think about it?"
"I know it's risky to trap but that's also the quickest way you can earn"
"Alright I'll do both then. Because this place. These girls are like family and I don't wanna just up and leave."
"Alright Nena. You start tomorrow"  
"Thank you, Sir" I kissed her cheek and I left with my guys.

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