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Elliott and I haven't spoken in what, 5 days? And I'm still tempted to message him, but it's best to leave it as it is, I suppose. From the rumors that had been circling around school, is that he moved. Some said he even joined online, it started to drive me insane that I couldn't do anything about it. I mean what is there to do? I have been trying and I don't want to go over to his place and not have him answer me or have his mom tell me he wasn't there but in reality he was just laying in his bed.

What's even more crazy, is that I was expected the worse of bullying from everyone. But it hasn't been that bad, I mean I get named called in the halls here and there and of course nasty glares. But it wasn't as bad as they did to the "others", have people mature now and moved on? Either way I'm fine with it, I haven't seen my friends around here either. I just been eating at the stairs, but I heard it was going to rain today so I have to change my plans. I was thinking about the school bathroom, but that's so gross it was time I moved on. I'm eating at the lunchroom and I really don't care at this point.

I bounce my leg up and down, staring at my computer. I was already finished with my work and the only thing I could do was play Tetris, but I couldn't beat my high score, I got 89,234. I know it's not the best, but it was good compare to Elliott's score. He got like 77,000.

I sighed, everything always has to deal with Elliott, I'm more likely getting annoying with him. I'll stop, it's time I move I guess. It's hard to believe that I have to. I mean memories of us always flash in my eyes, then the sadness takes over. The bell rang, significantly it was time for lunch. I was the last one to pack my things, I shoved my things carefully into my bag taking my lunch out, I walked out of the classroom refreshing my messages one more time before turning my phone off. Im acting like I was fine but I'm not. And I don't know what to do because my feelings were all over the places. My emotions were so mixed that I wasn't sure what was I feeling I was back to being numb again.

I groan walking into the lunch room, sitting down on the table in the corner of the room. The stairs were quiet and nice while the lunchroom filled with loud dumb teens gossiping and talking about dumb shit. I stared out the window to see small specks of raindrops staining the glass, I sighed once more before glancing back around. Halfway across the room, the table that sat in the middle of it all, were my "friends" who just ate and spoke to each other on sharing dumb thing causing them to shake in laughter. And I hate to admit but I do miss them, maybe Nate and Daniel and Michael, well all of them but Jayden. It's crazy to think that these people who claim to be there for me and say I was just more than a friend but more like a brother to them can just shun me like that, and I believe it all and it hurts me even more.

I took my lunch out while plugging my earphones in, I played some music taking small bites of my food before a small figure sat across from me. It was Emma. She stared at me with a small smile,making me send one back to her but continued on doing my own thing. "Lucas"she called out making me pull out my earphone "yeah?" "You're not alone, you have me" she held out a small bag of gushers making me laugh "thanks really, I appreciate that but you really don't have to" I took a blue one popping it into my mouth "it sucks, sorry I really didn't really reach out to you" I embarrassedly stared down "it's cool, your friends are weird I understand" I watched as she took her lunch out. I put myself to shame to even let Jayden talk shit about her when I was even around. We spoke for a bit before Jayden passed by our table claiming it was the gayest part of the school, Emma ignored it while I got angry over it. She said after awhile I'll get use to it and soon it wouldn't bother me anymore which was the sad thing to know that she had to go through this all alone. This lunch felt like forever, but I'm happy about it. This time I actually spoke to someone.

"I'm sorry about Elliott as well" she bit onto her carrot "I guess it happens?" I mumble, from the corner of my eye I saw Daniel standing at the end of the table, I gave him a confused expression. He didn't show no emotion or said anything but sat next to Emma, I looked at emma raising a brow "Daniel?" I said slowly "I'm sorry" he quickly blurted out, soon Cody sat next to me while Nate and the rest quickly jogged over to our table sitting down. But Jayden. I awkwardly stared around the table, but they all continued to all talk. Cody nudged me pointing down at my fruit bowl "Yo I'll trade you for my grill cheese, I appreciate your sisters fruit bowls" he grinned, I laughed nodding my head "remember the time we went through that weird stage of giving each other the worst weggies" he added "Cody stop, that's embarrassing" I laughed even more "hey Emma I been wanting to ask where did you dye your hair? I kinda wanna go blonde?" Daniel asked "I did it, if you want I can do yours" she says "that would be amazing" Daniel replied making Emma letting out a small squeal of excitement. These are my friends.

"What's going on with you and Elliott?" Michael asked making the whole table quiet "dude you know not to ask that" Daniel punched his arm "it's fine really, I think we broke up" I sadly said "think?" Cody made a face "we haven't spoke since so" "go run to his house and confess your love for him Lucas! Now, no bullshit I'll drive you there" He said standing up waving his car keys around "listen man I'm sorry for what I did, but come on dude."

A/n I'm sorry this chapter suck :( I just haven't been feeling well but I hope you're all doing well

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