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"Hello?" His sweet voice boomed in taehyung's ear and he broke from his daze

"Hello" taehyung smiled at him. He was stunned that he didn't even stutter.

The guy smiled up at him, there was a shine glinting from his smile. For a quick second, taehyung noticed the way he smiled. Just like a bunny and he silently giggled to himself

"Do you need anything?" He asked

"Oh yes, actually I am your neighbor and I live there" taehyung pointed to his house and the guy leaned a bit forward to look at it then got back to his position

"That's cool, I didn't know" the guy smiled

"So it's spring and I wanted to eat something sweet, like a cake, so I decided to bake a cake but then me being me forgetting all the things, forgot sugar this time" taehyung sighed and the guy chuckled making taehyung flustered as a light pink flushed over his cheeks

"So you're here for sugar?" The guy asked and taehyung nodded

"Wait, I'll bring you sugar" the guy said and went back inside his house to bring sugar while taehyung nibbled on his bottom lip.

He can't even believe he talked to his crush without stuttering and he could still feel millions of flutters every second he looked at him, the blush on his face was never leaving.

He jumped and twirled before the guy could come back in happiness.

He cleared his throat, ashamed of his own actions

The guy soon came with a cup of sugar in his hand and taehyung smiled at him

The man forwarded the cup to taehyung and he took it with a smile, his hands already trembling from being this close to the other's hands

"Thank you so much" he bowed and the guy smiled at him.

"Enjoy your cake" he said and taehyung nodded and was about to leave when the other stopped him.

"Hey! May I know your name, neighbor?" Jungkook asked and taehyung blushed a red. His crush just asked him for his name, how happy can he get in one day?

"T-taehyung" he stuttered for the first time, holding the cup of sugar tightly in his hand

"That's a nice name taehyung, my name is jungkook" the guy, jungkook smiled.

Taehyung was so happy now, he finally got to know the name of his crush, this wasn't even in his wildest dreams.

He always thought he'll watch the lad from afar and wish about living a life with him but now he even knows his name

That's some progress

"Okay jungkook, goodbye!" Taehyung waved at jungkook who waved back before closing the door.

"Jungkook" taehyung called to no one and smiling to himself shyly, the blush adamant on his face.

He is low-key thanking his habit of forgetting things, the old woman so that she wasn't here today and the sugar.

He is already having dreams of them being a couple.

Neighbor? Neighbor| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now