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"What?! How?!" Taehyung chirped, he was curious, excited, nervous and a lot of feelings were bubbling inside of him

"You leave that to me" hoseok said and high fived taehyung

"Tell me where he lives" hoseok said

"Down the road"

"I'm gonna come back in a few, keep the donuts ready" hoseok said and dashed out of the house

"What's going on in his mind?" Taehyung murmured to himself


Hoseok ran towards jungkook's house and rang the doorbell, calming down his breath

Soon, the door was opened by Eun-bi as she stared at hoseok


"Hello, I am hoseok, taehyung's boyfriend" hoseok said and Eun-bi "oh" ed

"Come in, come in. I think you might be here for jungkook?" She said with gritted teeth

"Ahh no, actually I was here for you both" hoseok smiled and Eun-bi tilted her head in confusion

"Who is it, Eun-bi" a voice came from the stairs

Jungkook got down from the stairs and was met with hoseok's face and somehow he wanted to punch his face .

He doesn't know why he feels so angry seeing hoseok's face.....or maybe even jealous

"What are you doing here?" he said with anger laced in his voice and squinted eyes

"I came to invite you two to our house for donuts" hoseok gave jungkook a pressed smile

Jungkook was speechless.

So taehyung doesn't even care now?

A huge lump was built in his throat as he swallowed it, his heart in the pit of his stomach, crying for nothing.

"We won't go" jungkook said blatantly albeit the hurt was visible in his eyes

"Yes we will come, hoseok. Please ignore him" eun-bi said and glared at jungkook who just rolled his eyes and sitting on the couch.

"Ah perfect! I'll tell my boyfriend to make everything ready" hoseok beamed up

Jungkook looked down, not wanting to look like a coward as tears were coming in his eyes, he doesn't know why but he feels hurt and jealous.

He feels replaced, angry, jealous, heartbroken

Things he's never felt since so long.

"I'm not gonna go" he said.

"Jungkook! Sit down!" eun-bi chided

Jungkook huffed and sat down again

"You'll go no matter what" she squinted her eyes and jungkook rolled his

"We'll come and eat donuts with you and your boyfriend" 

Neighbor? Neighbor| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now