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Taehyung gulped as he turned around

"Wh-what?" He stuttered

"We need to talk, Tae" jungkook said with soft eyes

"But I don't want to" taehyung said, wiggling to pry himself out of jungkook's grip

Instead, jungkook pushed him towards the glassed window, caging him between his strong arms while taehyung had his eyes wide, a blush around his face and heart leaping out of his chest seeing jungkook this close to him once again

And he fears the same thing would happen

"I need answers to my questions, Kim Taehyung" jungkook scowled and taehyung really got scare of jungkook's expressions

"I-i do-don't have time to answer q-questions, kook" taehyung stuttered and was about to walk away when jungkook gripped his waist tightly, keeping him in place

"If you don't have time, I will make time for you" jungkook said and taehyung tried to look anywhere but at jungkook

Jungkook pulled taehyung closer to him by his waist as the other's eyes widened more if possible

"What have I even done that you're ignoring me?"

"What makes you cut our time we spend together?"

"What makes you meet other people when you have me?"

"Why did you lie that you were going to work?"

"Tell me the reason why you want to end our relationship, Tae?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows

Taehyung closed his eyes and took a deep breath

He has to do it

Even if it scars him for the whole life

He formed his hands into fists and opened his tear filled eyes

"What relationship, jungkook?! Where we didn't even know if we were friends or not?!"

"You wanna know why I started to ignore you huh?! So listen! I can't be friends with someone who i love so fucking much!" Taehyung's eyes started to leak tears

Jungkook was startled by whatever taehyung was saying

"I've loved you for six months jungkook, six fucking months! I never wanted to come to your home, ask you for sugar and share this bond with you! I never wanted all this but when it did happen I was happy, happy and stupid that i started to think i could have a future with you b-but I never th-thought I would have to go th-through so much" taehyung sobbed

"I gave you clues, I gave you hints, you even fucking kissed me and then said it all meant nothing to you, it hurt me jungkook! I tried to move on, move on from the love I have for you but I couldn't, I kept coming back to it, feeling stupid for doing so but I can't help it kook, I love you so much, so much that it hurts to know that I can't receive it back".

"And I understand if you don't say it back, I just wanted to let this out, I've held it in for so long. I do cherish everything we did together but it hurts to know they'll be nothing more than friend hangouts" taehyung wiped his eyes

"Seeing you with Eun-bi hurt like hell, yet I tried to keep in but it was of no use, it still hurts. And I want to remove this pain from my life" taehyung cried

"So in order to remove the pain, I have to remove the one who's causing it" taehyung said as he looked at the startled jungkook and started to cry more

"Oh God, I knew this was not going to go good. I didn't want to lose you jungkook but I need to. I'm so sorry" he cupped his mouth as he freed himself from the frozen jungkook and ran outside

Jungkook couldn't believe his ears. He never ever thought that all this time taehyung had loved him and he being the stupid one always was oblivious one.

He came back to his senses and saw taehyung run out of the cafe.

He gasped

He can't let go of him now

He dashed behind him shouting his name yet the other didn't stop

He took a deep breath before increasing his pace and finally catching up to taehyung, pulling him by his wrist which made their chests collide

Taehyung was on full on sobbing mode


Neighbor? Neighbor| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now