35. (smut)

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Time goes by so quickly. No one even knew that it would be three weeks since taehyung and jungkook would get together.

Yes, jungkook did crave for taehyung but he wanted to take it slow as he never wanted to hurt taehyung.....again

Yes he still does regret about whatever happened back then but he wants to make sure that taehyung receives the same amount of happiness from him

But what jungkook doesn't know is that even taehyung wants him to do something to him

To taehyung, jungkook is the best boyfriend in the world. Handsome, treating him like a princess and what more shall he say. He's the perfect definition of perfection

The only thing taehyung is disliking is that jungkook is waiting for too long

Taehyung obviously has forgiven and forgotten whatever happened back then and he doesn't even want to think about it anymore.

Currently, the taehyung is waiting for jungkook to come back from his night shift. Yes, they do go to work together as jungkook drops taehyung to his clinic and pecks him on his lips sweetly before going to work.

He's getting bored of waiting now so he decided to use his phone

A thought popped inside his head as he called his boyfriend

"Hey kookie, when are you coming?" He asked

"In a few baby, what happened to you? You seem impatient" jungkook chuckled, oblivious to the fact that taehyung was actually impatient

God! He'll stay stupid all his life!

"Okay, hurry up though" he said and jungkook hummed before sharing I love yous and cutting the call

Taehyung quickly rushed to their bedroom, taking all of jungkook's shirts out and selecting the biggest one before removing his clothes and wearing the shirt

He buttoned the buttons, leaving the three buttons on the top open and making his collarbones visible

He checked himself in the mirror and messed with his hair, applying a little perfume and some chapstick then popping it over his lips

He smiled at himself

He's gonna get his fuck tonight

He rushed downstairs and sat on the couch, covering himself with the blanket kept on the couch, selecting a boring movie to watch and eagerly waiting for his boyfriend to come

After a few minutes of agony, he heard the door open and a tired jungkook coming inside, readying himself to pick up a koala taehyung clinging to him and hugging the death out of him but instead he was met with just a simple hey

He raised his eyebrows disappointingly yet shrugged it off, not noticing the unusual behavior of his beloved who was now pouting that the other didn't even check him out but he was the stupid one here as he was fully covered by the blanket then how would the other notice him

He huffed and furrowed his eyebrows while jungkook drank a glass of water and loosened his clothing before walking towards where a pouting and angry taehyung was sitting

Seeing jungkook walk towards him taehyung's hope once again came back as he grinned and opened his arms for jungkook to fall in them

Jungkook smiled as he let taehyung embrace him in his warm hands, he pressed his head inside the other's soft tummy, nuzzling over it occasionally while humming as taehyung played with his hair with a forced smile

"Kookie, let's watch a movie" taehyung said and jungkook wrapped his arms around the other's waist

"But I wanna stay like this" the ravenette whined and taehyung internally groaned

Neighbor? Neighbor| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now