The Truth

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"She's in a coma...We don't know when she'll wake up."

No, I-I can hear you...but...I can't feel anything...

You tried opening your eyes, nothing happened. You tried speaking, nothing happened.

But I still can hear you...

"Y/N, I'm so sorry." Taehyung?
"I shouldn't have let you come, I should have made you get some rest, and I-" he stopped himself. No, please don't be sorry, it's not your fault...
"Just please, don't leave me..."
I won't, I promise...

"Sir, it's time for the next visitor."

You felt his presence leave the room. Then, you heard the door open again. "Y/N..."

"I'm so sorry...I..." You heard his sobs, he's not the type to cry like this, but when it's someone he loves, he can't help it.
Yoongi, please... I'm sorry...I shouldn't make you guys worry like this.

"I love you..." He managed to say.
Yoongi I lov-

"Sorry sir, but the next visitor is waiting."

"Y/N!" You heard Jungkook almost yell as you heard his foot steps come to you quickly.
"It's ok, everythings okay, I promise....Just..." He started crying as well.
Jungkook, I'm so sorry...

"I love you so much, please don't leave me!"
You wanted to hug him and say that you'll be alright, that your fine, that it's no one's fault for what happened, but you couldn't.

"Mr. Kim is waiting sir."


"Y/N! My baby! Is she okay???"

"We don't know, she has a very low iron that made her faint. With this low of an iron though, we don't know if she'll live...I'm sorry sir..."

"No, you'll make it, you can fight this!" He said with confidence in every word.

"You'll live, I promise."
Thank you Jin...

"Next visitor."

You heard someone walk in and ask, "How long will she be like this...?"

"We don't know sir."

"Can you help her?"

"We can stabilize her until she wakes up."


"Yes sir."

Jimin, what happened that made you like this?

"You'll live, I'll make sure of it Y/N..."
Thank you Jimin.

"Sorry sir, but we need to take some tests quickly."

"Ok, let me know when your done." You heard him leave the room. You started getting nervous, what kind of tests?

There will be a part two!

Stay tuned!

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