Chapter 7

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POV : Alyssa

I am sitting in the couch, playing guitar and thinking about that moment when I saw Shawn. Gosh he's so beautiful ! I get lost in my dreams and keep playing music for a while until Jennifer arrives, pulling me out of my dreams.

-Hi Alyssa ! Did you have a nice day ?

-Yeah ! I say. I can't help smiling, thinking about this magical moment one more time, which Jennifer sees.

-What's that smile on your lips ? Tell, me !

She sits next to me and I tell her everything that happened, which was quite quick because there wasn't a lot that happened !

-So you saw Shawn Mendes today and he smiled at you ? She repeats, excited.

-He smiled BACK at me. Don't start imagining things that didn't happen ! I'll probably never see him again !

I get up to get myself something to eat in the kitchen. I don't want to talk about this anymore. I am making myself films in my head. I grab a chocolate croissant and decide to watch a movie on my computer. I can see Jen is upset that I ended this conversation.

-Do you want to watch a movie with me ?

-Yeah I'd love too !

We finally decided to watch « If I stay » on the big TV screen of the living room.

-If I see Shawn again, I'll tell you! I say to cheer her up.

-Yeah !

She seems so excited about this. I prefer not to. I'll be disappointed if I imagine myself things. We decided not to tell this to the other girls. It would stay our secret.


POV : Shawn.

We had a great afternoon Sam and I. We played some music, but most of all, we talked about what happened during my tour. Nothing has changed here. He went a few times to the Drake, and yesterday he met two girls there. I think he likes one of them very much ! He says that she could be good friends with us but I'm not so excited by the idea of meeting new friends at the moment. I prefer spending time with the ones I already know, and I'm not the kind of guy who hangs around with girls.

I put myself into bed and start scrolling through instagram. I take a look to a few posts of fans. I'm so proud of the mendes army. Theses guys mean everything to me. Without them, I'm nothing ! I stop on a picture of me on which is written : « Most smiles are started by another smile ».It reminds me of that girl I saw in the street earlier. The way she smiled at me was particular... Why am I thinking of her ? She is just an ordinary girl and I have been thinking about her many times during the evening ! I must think about something else. I put on my headphones and let the music take me far away from here.

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