Chapter 18: the Mendes Family

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POV : Alyssa

-Hi everyone ! Please meet Alyssa ! Shawn says as he enters the house.

Today, Shawn invited me after my day at the vet clinic to spend the evening with him and his family. I am a bit nervous to spend so much time with Aaliyah and her parents...

-Hi Alyssa ! Says Shawn's dad as he comes to greet me. Nice to meet you !

-Welcome to our home ! I'm glad you came ! Says his mum. Aaliyah is not home yet, she should be here in an hour.

I politely present myself to Shawn's parents and he then puts an arm around my waist and takes me to his bedroom. It is a comfortable room, with a large bed, wide enough for two people. There are a few guitars hanging in a corner, a shelf full of films and video games, a TV screen on a wall and a set of cameras.

-Welcome to my second paradise! He says as he sits on the bed.

-It's beautiful ! But why «second» paradise ?

-Because you are my first one !

-You are way too cute Shawn Mendes ! I say, and I can't help kissing him.

-So what would you like to do ?

-I know it sounds cliché but I'd love to hear you sing a song to me.

-I'd do anything for you babe.

He grabs his favorite guitar, looks at me and says :

-I heard at the party that this is your favorite song...

-God I'd die of a heart attack if you sing me this one !

He plays a few chords and starts singing :

« When I wake up to your footsteps as you get up out of bed... »

He stares at me in the eyes for the whole music. This is so intense! My heart is burning and it feels like I'm melting. Shawn is so talented, so romantic, so beautiful, and I am his loved one. I am the one he has those feelings for. I can't believe it. I'm so lucky !

When he finishes his song, he puts away his guitar, takes me in his arms and we lay in his bed, just enjoying being together. I feel so safe when I'm in his arms. It feels like nothing can harm me. Like he'll always be there to protect me.

-I've got a question Shawn... You are a famous artist, you have so much money you can litterally buy anything you want. But is there someting you would like to have and you never managed to get ?

-That's a good question... Let me think... You know what ? I have never found any musician teddy. And I'd love to have one !

-A musician teddy ?

-Yeah ! Like a teddy bear dressed up as a singer.

-That's funny !

-And you Alyssa ? Is there something you'd like to have ?

-I don't think so... now that you are here, I don't need anything. All I need is having you by my side all my life.

-That's not a problem at all !

We discuss together, laying on his bed, talking about our dreams, our trips in foreign countries and our hobbies, when his bedroom door slams open, making me bounce.

-SHAWN GUESS WHAT!!!! Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know...

-Don't worry Aaliyah... it's OK... he says, getting back up. Uhm... that's Alyssa, my girlfriend.

-Nice to meet you !

-So, what should I guess ? Is it something linked to Thomas ?

-YESSSS !!!! He invited me to the cinema next week !

-That's great sis ! I'm so happy for you ! It's gonna be a great night !

-I can't wait !

She starts making a few dance moves before leaving to her bedroom.

-I guess she likes that Thomas very much ! I say.


-I know you don't really agree with this ! I laugh.

-Well I love Aaliyah so much, I'm scared that we lose this proximity that's between us...

-I understand, It's the same with my big brother. I hope that when he has a girlfriend he won't let me on the side... But you have to tell yourself that you found a girlfriend and she didn't get mean at you, so you should do the same for her.

-You're right !

Shawn's mum invites us to come downstairs for dinner so we all gather around the living room table to enjoy the delicious meal.

We had some great time all five together. Aaliyah and her parents asked me how we met and other questions on my studies, my work experience at the vet and my singing. They are adorable people. Shawn's family is so loving and kind !

Shawn and I are now in his bedroom, ready to go to sleep. I am sitting on his bed, wearing pants and a T-Shirt, looking at him. He is taking off his T-shirt and I can see every one of his muscles. He has such a perfect body. He sees in the mirror that I'm not missing anything of the scene and smiles at me. He guessed I love the scene. He takes off his trousers and he is now only wearing a boxer. I take a second to stare at his whole body. God he's perfect.

-Do you enjoy babe ?

-Oh god yes ! How can I be so lucky to have you as a boyfriend ?

-I should be the one asking myself how I am so lucky to have such a beautiful girl as my girlfiend!

He gets on the bed, takes me in his arms and starts kissing me. In the neck, on the cheek, on my lips. I grab his waist and get closer to him. I want all of him... He holds on tighter to me, one hand in my back, one in my hair and we kiss passionnately. I am feeling so much emotions at a time. I finally put my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. My fingertips caressig his skin, feeling each one of his muscles.

I fall asleep against him, feeling his strong and protective arms around me.

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