Chapter 22

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POV : Alyssa.

I wake up with Shawn's face just in front of mine and his arms around my waist. He is so handsome when he is sleeping ! I stay for a while in bed, watching him sleep calmly, his brown curls falling on the sheets, his naked chest going up and down as he breathes...

I delicately take off his arm from me and get up without a noise. I grab a pair of shorts I had taken with me yesterday, and one of Shawn's T-Shirts and walk to the bathroom. After a few minutes, I had combed my hair and done my makeup to hide the dark rings under my eyes. I get dressed and go downstairs. Shawn is still sleeping but I can hear some noise coming from the living room, I think the others are already awake.

Downstairs, Sam and Helen are still asleep, and I can't see Leonor nor Jennifer. I think they are still sleeping too. I walk to the kitchen where all the doors are closed and inside, I find Olly, Camila and Taylor baking and dancing as they had put some music on.

-Hi Alyssa ! Did you sleep well ? Taylor asks.

-Haha ! Great, I had the best pillow ever !

-I'm so jealous ! Camila says. Come with us ! We're baking some pancakes for breakfast !

-Wow ! Great idea !

I join them and help them bake the pancakes and cut some fruits to make a fruit salad. It's so fun being with them at 9 a.m in shorts, still feeling a bit dizzy from last night, having fun, singing and dancing while doing some baking. Who would have thought this would happen to me one day ?

-Hi girls! I found some maple syrup at the supermarket ! Oh hi Alyssa! Nice to see you! Ed Sheeran says, entering the room.

We finished serving the pancakes and took so many funny pictures. There was flour, butter and fruit juice all over the kitchen and the girls' hair. What a morning !

We set the breakfast table and bring all the things we prepared when Sam, Shawn and the girls finally wake up.

-Wakey wakey ! How are you all ? Did you sleep well ?

-Yeah it was OK.

-We prepared the breakfast ! We baked some pancakes, made a fruit salad and Ed also found some butter and chocolate croissants, as Alyssa is french...

-Really ? You did ? Thank you so much ! I say, as I jump in his arms. I love them !

-You're welcome !

We all sit around the table and eat joyfully. I'm so happy to be here! Even though nearly everyone at the table is a celebrity, it doesn't feel like they are. We are all just a group of friends having fun, and this is the best feeling ever !

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