Chapter 27

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POV : Alyssa

-Here we are ! Shawn says as he hops off the car.

Tonight, he takes us to the best night club in Toronto. I am leaving in a few days and since we reconciled, I have been living like if I'm in a dream. We spent so much time him and I! We went shopping with some of his friends, we sang songs together, we baked (it was so funny watching Shawn trying to make muffins!). Now we are going out to celebrate... to celebrate nothing at all, just to have some fun !

My flatmates are here, as well as Sam, Alex, Nick, Rebecca and Marilyn. The two bouncers let us enter when they see Shawn arriving, as a VIP member, he can take us everywhere he wants once inside! Isn't that cool ?

Shawn grabs my hand, pulls me close to him and lays his lips on mine.

-Let's have the best night of our lives !

We enter the overcrouded night club and a smile immediatly lights up everyone's face. The multicolored lights flash everywhere and the music's bass beats hard. I hold on tight to Shawn's hand so that I don't lose him. I'm not that tall so it feels like I'm going to get crushed by the crowd. Thank god Shawn's here for me ! He fetches us a tray with a glass of Mojito for each one of us and we all walk through the crowd to an open door, guarded by a bouncer that let us enter.

-Here's the VIP room. Shawn explains us. It'll be more comfortable here to start.

We all sit down and drink our glass while talking joyfully. As the alcohol goes down in our glasses, there are more and more laughing in the room. We haven't eaten before coming here, which was not such a good idea... I only drank one glass and my head already feels dizzy and it is hard to control what I say... that usually doesn't happen to me this quickly... but when I look around, everyone is in the same situation...

-Let's dance ! Shawn suddenly exclaims.

-Yeah !! answers Helen.

He turns to me with this smile that always melts my heart and holds out his hand to me.

-Will you be my dance partner?

I grab his hand and get close to him to whisper in his ear


We all run out of the room two by two and make our way to the center of the dance floor to give ourselves fully. Shawn puts his hands around my waist and I put mine around his neck and we dance, staring at each other. What beautiful eyes he has... It feels so nice to have someone in your life to look at you like he looks at me at this moment. He is here with me and I feel safe. It is like nothing can harm me when he is here. He really is my prince and when I look at him, I know I am his princess...

We have fun here all ten together for hours, only interrupting our dance to fetch some alcohol. It is now around 3am and, just like all my friends, I am completely drunk. I can still manage to have clear ideas, which is not Helen and Leonor's case... Thank God Jen is here to help me handle them! But I must admit it is quite funny to hear what they say! I'm not sure but I think Helen asked Sam to be her boyfriend! Shawn didn't drink much and I understand it, whith all the people and the fans that are here, he doesn't want pictures of him drunk to go all over internet...

I still want to enjoy the party, I am leaving soon and I don't have fans to judge me so I get out of the VIP room to get some drinks for us all, leaving all the group laughing joyfully.

I walk through the crowd and try to make my way to the bar but my head feels like it's spinning. I usually enjoy this feeling but now that I'm all alone in the middle of the crowd, I feel like I'm suffocating a bit. People jump up and down all around me and it makes me feel even more dizzy. I look around me and I realise I am lost... I turn around and decide to walk straight in front of me. I'll soon arrive somewhere I recognise. I try to walk staight but people keep bumping into me and I stumble over and over again, especially since it's been a while I don't have anymore balance...

As I finally arrive near the bar, «Pump it» starts to play on the speakers and my mind suddenly runs away from my brain. All I can think about is dancing. I let my body move with the rhythm of the song and I let go everything, I even forget why I came here. I let my hips shake from the left to the right and I lose control of my muscles.

Suddenly, I feel a man's hands on my hips that pulls me to him.

-Hey beautiful... he says


POV : Shawn

It's been a while now that Alyssa left to take us some drinks... Nobody seems to have noticed it's been nearly 15 minutes now... I am really feeling worried. I hope nothing bad has happened to her. God she's drunk! Why did I let her go alone! Such a beautiful girl, all alone over there! What kind of a boyfriend am I? I get up and leave, without even telling my friends where I go, they won't notice I've left anyways, they are too drunk. I feel my body shaking of fear. The worst scenarios form in my head... I hope she's OK... I walk through the crowd. I hear some girls calling my name but they are not Alyssa, they are only drunk fans who want a picture with me. As the minutes go by and I still can't find her, my fear turns into panick. She is not on the dance floor, she is not at the bar, she is not on the couches...

-Alyssa ! I scream. But no one hears me..

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