Part 2, chapter 1: back to France

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POV : Alyssa

-Alyssa !!

A girl rushes through the crowd, her long blonde hair floating behind her and a huge smile on her face, closely followed by her friend, as excited as her. They both run in my direction and jump in my arms.

-Anna! Diane! I missed you so much !

-Gosh these two months seemed like forever to me !

I missed my best friends so much!Even though I spent two amazing months in Canada, not having these crazy girls with me was a stange feeling.

-Tell me how was it in Toronto?

-Oh my it was so great !

-Did you make friends there?

-Hell yes! Great friends! My flatmates were really cool and I also made other friends, boys, girls, and...

-And? Begs Anna.

-And I met this super guy, funny, sexy,nice... and... now he's my boyfriend !

-What ?! Excuse me ? You have a boyfriend ?


-That's so cool !

Fortunately they didn't ask his name, because I think Anna will know who he is. We talked for a moment before the headmaster invited all the students in the lecture theater for a speech. He started by saying that this year, the students will start examining sick animals for real. Of course, the best students will be in charge of the most serious cases.

-... And I have a special announcement to make before I let you go to class ! The headmaster says. Last year, we noticed a decline in the students' level in foreign languages.

Some whispers raise in the room, as half of the students are partly responsible of it. Here we go... let's start the year with the headmaster correcting us... yippee...

-So, in order to solve this problem, we decided to create a partnership with vet schools from around the world. Next year, you will all study abroad.

This time, the whispers turn to excitement. Gosh we are going to a foreign country ! I can't believe it! I wonder where we'll go!

-The best students will get to choose their destination first. You'll be able to go to London, Madrid, Munich, Ljubljana, Roma, but also Hong-Kong, Sydney, Washington, Toronto and Los Angeles.

As I hear these last words, my heart stops for a second. Did he really just say Toronto? Does that mean... I'll be able to see Shawn? For a whole year !

Everyone starts talking excitedly while the headmaster tries to say a few last words but soon gives up as no one's listening anymore. Everyone's ready to go.

-LA! Diane exclaims. We'll beable to go to LA! Isn't that cool ?

-And Sydney  Says Anna. Imagine going to Australia !

Everyone in the room is excited to be able to go to those dream destinations like China, Australia or the US, but I can't get off my mind that if I work hard, I'll be able to live with Shawn for a whole year !


Our first class is over and we are now having something to eat. This morning, the discussions were exclusively about boys and next year's destinations.

-So Diane, where would you like to go? I ask while I grab a plate.

-Hm... I'd like to go to LA, or maybe Hong-Kong. China would change my habits! And you ?

-I think I'll try to have Toronto.

-Canada? Wouldn't you prefer LA? Why Toron.... oh! I see... your boyfriend !

-Yes! I won't be able to see him much for a whole year... and now I have the occasion to live with him for a year !

-Live with him? Doesn't he live with his parents ?

-No he has this huge beautiful flat of his own ! There's far enough place for two!

-He must have a good job to be able to have his flat in Toronto at that age !

-Yes he has some money of his own! I say, laughing internally.

Sure he has a good job !

We make our way to a table and continue discussing, this time about boys. My two friends being single, they love to look around for hot boys, doing bets on which one will find the cutest one. I used to do it with her, it's so funny! But now that the sexiest man on earth is my boyfriend, I have no reason to do it! He wouldn't like me to !

-Hey Alyssa! Diane whispers. There's that guy over there that keeps staring at you...

-Are you sure I'm the one he's staring at?

-100% sure !

I turn around and see a boy immediatly turning his head around when he sees me. He's at a table with two of his friends. I think I already saw him last year. He had this popular girl I don't like as girlfriend.

-So... isn't he cute ?

-He's OK. But I already have aboyfriend.

-You do but that doesn't change anything to the fact that there's a cute boy staring at you...

-You're impossible! I laugh. Maybe he's just staring at you !

-I'd like this !


The day is over now and I am putting back my books in my locker before leaving back for my appartment. As I close the door, I feel someone behind me. It must be Anna . I turn around, ready to see my best friend but I end up face to face with the guy Diane talked about at lunch.

-Hey, you're Alyssa is that it ?

-Em... yes I am.

-I'm James. I just wanted to tell you that I think you're really pretty... And I think I'd better grab my chance now before any other boy gets you before...

I look at him. He's really close to me and it's quite embarassing. But he's cute, I can't deny it. Not as beautiful as Shawn, that's for sure, but he has some charm. He's tall, with brown hair and black eyes, and a scar in his right eyebrow.

-I though maybe you'd like to go out tonight, have a drink or something...

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