Part 2, chapter 8

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Pov: Alyssa.

OMG no no no no NO! This CANNOT happen! It can't!
I try to run way from him but he holds my arms with a surnatural strength.

-Come on here lady. He says, opening his car door and forcing me to get in.
He closes the door behind me and I realize I'm trapped. He sits on the drivers seat and starts the engine. There is nothing I can do before we arrive at his home. Nothing to save me.
I think he spoke to me during the drive but I didn't hear anything. All I can think of is Shawn.
Shawn please save me. Please do something. But there is nothing you can do. No one can save me because no one knows the horrible situation in which I am.
Shawn should have known! I wanted to tell him but James arrived first.
It's 5.07pm.
I wish Shawn would call earlier than planned, even though I know he won't.
Phone, please ring. PLEASE!
I look at my phone but there is no missed call.
Please ring! Please please please please!!!
The car stops in front of a huge house. There are no other cars in front and all the lights are off. We'll be alone...
My heart starts racing and beating really hard but my body won't move. I just sit there in the car, as if I were paralysed.

James hops off the car and opens my door and I mechanically get out. It's like I accepted what's going to happen to me. As we walk to the door, I feel like I'm walking to my own death. It's strange but it really is how I feel...
My heart beats faster and faster as we get close to the door. I want this walk to never end, I want to never get close to that door... but eventually I do.
We get inside and he locks the door behind me.
Here I am, trapped with the devil.

-So sweetheart... where shall we begin? He says, getting closer to me.
I can feel his body coming right against mine. I try to move aside but he smoothely follows me. I feel his hands on my waist and as I shove them out, I feel him grab my jacket and throw it angrily across the room. He then takes me by my arms and drags me across the house to another room.

-Hey leave me! Don't you dare touch me!
-Oh because you think you can make me change my mind?

His voice makes me sick. I struggle to get off his arms but he is way to strong for me. How am I going to get out?
Tears start rolling down my cheeks as he locks us in the room. I take a quick look around me and as I feared it, we are in a bedroom.
James suddenly turns around and slowly takes off his shirt to show me his perfectly shaped muscles. However, they don't create the same feeling in me than Shawn's. Instead of creating envy, they repel me. How disgusting.
I turn around to avoid him but I suddenly feel his arms wrapped around me and his hands take hold of my shirt.
When I feel his arms quit the contact with my body, I realise he kept my shirt in his hands.

Oh my god.
I feel the fresh air on my skin and look down at me. My shirt is no longer on me and my bra is the only thing that I'm wearing on top.
I cross my arms in a desperate way to cover myself and run across the room away from him.

-Come back here you! He yells, and slams me on the bed.
He turns me around and I see him, right above me.
I am here, half naked, lying on my back on the bed, and he is there, half naked as well, just above me. No. This can't happen. I never have done... this. Not even with Shawn! This can't be my first time. This can't happen!
I close my eyes to escape this horrible vision but he takes avantage of the situation.
I feel his hands on my waist and my skirt going down and I can't help screaming and shaking.

-Won't you shut up for once? He yells before throwing his fist in my face.
I struggle to get him off me and I finally manage to get off the bed. I run to the door but he catches up with me and violently throws me against the wall. The impact make sme lose my balance and I fall down heavily on the ground. Trying to crawl away from James, I suddenly feel a terrible pain. He jusk kicked me in the stomach. He is now smiling at me with that mean look.

-Are you feeling better now? Are you ready? He yells, kicking me another time, cutting off my breath.

I try to get away from him but the kickings won't stop. He continues again and again and again... endlessly. I feel my forces weakening, my sight blurring, my senses fading...
When he finally stops and I think I can rest for a second, he grabs my hair and pulls me up. I don't even have the strength to scream out my pain... however, when he tries to lay me on the bed, I push him violently away from me, I don't know how I did that, but I felt this whole lot of anger inside me burst out and give me the strength. But now, I can see in his eyes that I signed my death sentence.
He runs towards me, grabs me by my arms and throws me against a wall.
*black out*

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