Chapter 16: the movie night

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-What a weekend ! Shawn says, as he is driving us to his appartment. Did you like it ?

-It was great ! Your friends are really cool and I enjoyed those moments around the fire ! I can't wait to do this again !

-I'm glad you liked it ! I like it too. It's always good to spend some time, far from everything. Just you and your friends.

I take a moment to stare at him, he is such a kind person, we have so much in common and so much to discover together ! I am in love with him and scared of this feeling. Scared we'll never be together. My heart starts beating harder as I imagine his arms around me, his warmth on my skin, just like when he took my hand in the dark.

« Here we are ! » he says as he parks his car in front of a huge building. He hops off and helps me get out of the car, as a pure gentleman. I know he likes to show off a bit in front of his friends and it always make me laugh. I follow him into the hall and I can't help taking a look around myself. Obviously, only rich people live here. Everything is modern and clean, real flowers are on all the tables, freshly cut, what will his flat look like ?

We walk into a lift and he presses one of the lasts buttons. As we go up, I try not to blush. He is standing just next to me, his arm is touching mine. We don't talk and it makes me really uncomfortable. As the seconds go by, the silence is getting heavier. Please say something Shawn! Please!

«Let's go ! » he says, when the doors open. Really ? That's all you can say ? « Let's go ? » that doesn't help !

I get out and catch up with him, he is already opening the door of his appartment. Wow ! It's gorgeous ! Everything in his appartment is clean and neat. The furniture are grey, black and white, all modern. A piano is in the living room, right next to a huge TV and in front of a bay window that's the size of the wall.

-Home sweet home ! He says. Do you like it ?

-It's amazing !

I step inside and spin to take a look at everything.

-I love it !

Pictures are hung on the wall, some are cities of the world, some were taken with friends and family, handwritten music sheets lay on a small table, everything is calm and cozy.

He takes my bag and puts it in a corner of the hall.

-Make yourself comfortable ! You are here at home ! I don't often take people to my home but I trust you !

I don't really know what to do so I just decide to walk around.

-I'm hungry, what do you want to eat ? he asks from the kitchen.

-I don't know, just grab what you like !

-I got some pizza , sounds good to you ?

-Urgh... pizza... I'd rather eat Brussels sprouts ! I joke

-Hm... maybe if I put some pineapple on top it'll be better ! He replies

-Oh yes!<3 I love it ! And please add some chocolate !

We heat up the pizzas and lie in the couch. He chooses a thriller and we start eating while the movie starts playing. He keeps making jokes while we eat, putting tomato sauce on my nose and taking one of my meat balls, to which I replied by taking his chorizo. He is acting so natural and it makes me fall even more in love. I barely manage to keep it all together and not show him my love. It's really hard not to crack when he smiles at me the way he is doing at the moment. Maybe I should just let it all go and see...

POV : Shawn.

Alyssa is sitting next to me in the couch eating her pizza while staring ath the TV with wide eyes. She is so beautiful at this moment, she doesn't care about the world. She's just here with me, her pizza and the film. When she smiles at me, my heart feels so warm ! I want to take her in my arms and kiss her, but what if she doesn't love me in return ? She acts so natural when she is with me, but what if it'd freak her out to go out with me, with a world famous superstar... I just hope she sees further than that.

I try to joke a bit with her, to see if there is anything from her side. I pick up a bit of my tomato sauce and spread it all over her nose as she is focused on the screen.

-Hey ! She replies ! Jumping and turning towards me with a false mean look.

I take the opportunity to steal her a meatball and eat it proudly in front of her.

-Hey ! She repeats, and she jumps on me to take a chorizo from my pizza.

-You're so cute when you are angry !

She smiles at me and takes a big bite off her slice of pizza with a large grin.

-Don't say that too quickly ! She answers. You don't know all of me ! She says.

She lays down in the couch and starts watching the film again. I turn off the light and we end up in the dark. I can't focus on the screen, I can only look at her silhouette on the bay window. The buildings are lit up in the night and they throw a bit of their light on the edges of her face. She is so beautiful ! I love her wide eyes and her long hair, her beautiful pink smile... I love her.

POV : Alyssa.

We are staying here in the dark, each one of us at the end of the couch. The film is becoming scary and even though I know it's only a story, I can't help shivering a bit.

-Are you scared ? He asks suddenly.

-Well it's not reassuring...

-Come here ! He says, opening his arms widely.

I don't wait a second and put myself comfortably in his arms. That moment I've been waiting for so long! I can feel him next to me. He is holding me tightly. His hands are on mine. Coincidence ? Maybe, maybe not. My heart is racing, but I enjoy it. I can feel his heartbeat too. I lay my head on his chest and enjoy every one of the moments I spend here.

We have spent a moment here when I feel something tickle my neck. I focus on this lovely feeling when I feel his breath on my skin. He holds me a bit tighter and his head gets closer to my neck. Is he doing what I think he is ? I suddenly feel his skin on mine. He stays here a moment. I can feel his lips on my neck . He is waiting. I squeeze myself a bit further in his arms to make him understand I feel the same, and suddenly, the magic happens. I feel his lips kissing my skin. This is magical. My heart is filled with joy. I don't think of anything else than the both of us, here, together. He kisses me a few more times in the neck, and then stops.

He straightens up and make me turn around. He only keeps my hands in his. I stay here, sitting on the couch, looking at him. Why did he stop ? It was such a lovely feeling to be in his arms !

-Alyssa I must tell you something... he starts.

Even though we are we are nearly in the dark, I can see his cheeks turn hed.

-I.... he starts.

I hold on tighter to his hands to give him courage, and he continues :

-These moments we spend together make me feel so happy ! I am so glad I met you ! I finally met this girl I can be myself with ! This girl that will listen to me and that doesn't look at my fame, but at my real personnality. Alyssa I love you, with all my heart, with all my soul ! Alyssa... would you be my girlfriend ?

I look at him in his beautiful eyes. My heart is burning. He has just asked me out. I can't breathe or do anything. I can't talk. So I just lean forwards and put my hand on his cheek. He does the same, and as I lean toward him, his lips touch mine, and I kiss him. This was intense, the most beautiful thing I have ever felt...

-Well I guess it's a « yes» then, he whispers close to me.

-Yes. I answer.

He grabs my waist and pulls me towards him. I sit on his lap and he hugs me tight. He is here in my arms and he loves me. Shawn Mendes loves me. He kisses me another time, longer and I feel so many emotions inside me.

-I love you so much Shawn. I say. You cannot imagine how much !

-Oh yes I can imagine Alyssa !

I put my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. I am feeling tired and I feel my eyes are closing. I rest here, against him, I can feel his fingers running through my hair and his other hand rubbing my back. I love him so much...

I fell asleep against him.

Shawn Mendes is my boyfriend.

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