Chapter 28: the man

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POV : Alyssa

-Hey beautiful... he says.

I can feel the warmth of his body in my back and his hands on my waist. It is quite a pleasant feeling I must admit.

-Come and dance with me...

He starts to drag me gently apart from the dancers until we end up against a wall. At that moment, I look down to his hands and I realise they are not Shawn's... I look up to him and I can see I am now stuck between a wall and a drunk man who smoked something unidentified. His eyes are red and he stinks alcohol. His face is only a few centimeters from mine and I can feel the content of my stomach is coming back up. The glassy-eyed man smiles at me and whispers...

-You all alone pretty girl?

-No I'm not. Please let me go, I answer unemotionnaly, trying to walk away.

-I didn't see anyone with you... you're alone. He says, tightening his hands around me as he pulls me closer to him.

I try to move aside but he holds on tight to me.

-Please let me go! I ask.

He grabs my arms and takes me even further from the dancers. My mind gets suddenly clear and it's like the alcohol doesn't have anymore effet on me. I feel the panick starting to take control and I struggle to take his hands off me.

-Leave me alone! I scream, but the music is so loud I can barely hear myself.

-Don't be so agressive he calmly says... We are just having fun...

I must find Shawn... I must find him... Why did I go alone? Why did I start dancing instead of taking the drinks like I should have done? Now I am in so much trouble, just because I drank too much and I let him take me here... No one can hear me... I am stuck here with this guy who is freaking me to death, and there's nothing I can do... What will Shawn think of when he'll learn about this ?

The man gets closer to me and I can't move. I am stuck between him and the wall, I can't see anything but his horrible blue glassy eyes. When his hands suddenly land on my chest, I startle and scream for help but he immediatly lays a hand on my mouth to prevent me from alerting anyone. Tears start rolling down my cheeks, I scream as loudly as I can but no noise comes out of my mouth. I try to push him off but he is so stong.

Why did I let him bring me here? Why did I leave my friends ?

Just as I thought everything was lost for me, hands land violently on the man's shoulders and pull him away from me to throw him against the wall. It is dark here and I can't see who came to save me, but he punches my agressor violently in the face. I can see blood coming out of his nose and I can't help feeling it is what he deserves. The man manages to run away and I turn around to hide my tears to the one that came for me, but he comes my way and wraps his hands around me.

-Alyssa... I was so scared...


I turn around and hug him tight. I can feel tears rolling down his face. He must have been so worried I didn't come back.

He grabs my face in his warm hands and examines me.

-Are you alright ? Did he hurt you ?

-I'm OK, he didn't have the time to hurt me... you arrived just in time... I sigh. Thank you Shawn... I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have...

-It's not your fault. He interrupts me. He was drunk. I shouldn't have let you go by yourself, I should have known something like this could have happened... I am so sorry...

-Don't be... I love you Shawn. I say, laying against his chest.

-I love you too Alyssa. And I won't let anyone ever hurt you again. I promise.

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