Part 2, chapter 6

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POV : Shawn

-Do you have any idea of what you did ?! Do you realize your mistake?

Andrew arrived at my appartment this morning in a horrible mood. I was just barely waking up, ready to throw up at any moment and my head was aching horribly. He made me sit on the sofa, gave me a glass of water and started yelling. At first I didn't know why he kept talking about Mary, but then everything cleared in my mind.

-You kissed her! You kissed Mary! Please don't tell me it went any further! He yells.

-I promise you I don't know! Ican't remember anything! I don't remember... I say, feeling tears coming up to my eyes.

-Shawn! You kissed Mary ! Do you even realize what you are doing to Alyssa?

-Oh my god...

Oh no.... if what Andrew says is true.... what have I done? I was so drunk yesterday... I don't remember... what happened?

-Wait.... how do you know my girlfriend's name? I ask. I never told you....

-I looked at your phone...


-You should too! There were at least 10 missed calls and 20 messages from her! That's how I discovered you had a girlfriend! Just after seeing you and Mary in the kitchen...

I sit down and take my head in my hands. I can't bear it... My heart is breaking... Alyssa would never have done this to me... She's such a sweetheart... She wouldn't even have hung out with a boy as often as I did with Mary... How could I have done this to her? To such an angel! What I did is unforgivable!! Wait... 10 missed calls and 20 messages?!?!

-Andrew can I get back my phone? I must see her messages... She may be in trouble!

-Do you really care about her?

-OF COURSE I DO! SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND! I care so much about her!

-Then why did you kiss Mary?!

-How many times must I repeat it to you? I was drunk ! I don't even remember it! I made a mistake, but I wasn't controlling myself ! Now PLEASE let me see my phone! I need to know what happened to Alyssa! I yell, tears rolling down my cheeks and dropping onto the floor.

-OK then, he says, handing me my phone. But you must charge it first. It is discharged.

I quickly grab my phone and run to my bedroom to plug it in and lay in my bed, staring at the black screen. Every second is a torture. I need to talk to her right now... I promised her I would protect her and when she needs me, I'm gone kissing someone else! How can I do such a thing? How can I be such a horrible boyfriend?

-Please leave me Andrew I need to be alone.

He turns around, walks out and as soon as he closes the door behind him, I let all my tears run out. I feel like my whole heart is falling apart.... How could I do such a thing to the purest human being in the world ?


POV: Alyssa

-So ! Are you proud of yo? Asks Diane. You're part of the best pupils! You're going to be in charge of the emergencies!

-Yeah that's great! But the best part is that we'll be together!

-That's so cool! She says, taking me in her arms.

Yesterday they announced which pupils will be in charge of emergencies, normal consultations, or extra studying for the ones who are not good enough. Diane, Anna and I are part of the best, and Diane and I will work together.

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