The Trip

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I took a trip~
along the mountains of Nepal
caught wind of a lead
near a monastery, a lepidopterarium
of the most beautiful butterflies
surrounded by silk trees
studded with pink flowers

Meditated with
an ascendant monk
who had no interest in anything
not even my presence
could bother or move him
yet, I did nothing
to provoke the silence
with my unworthy voice.

Here, the monastery 
seemed to be about
letting go of emotional ties,
and I took part in observing
the monks and their
daily lives, peaceful
and undisturbed by
the passing days of what seemed
to be an eternally
burning earth. Sat with them, even,
talking in hushed voices
to ones who had interest in talking

surrounded by colonnades
painted in red and gold 
hues, my bottom on
hand-woven ornate carpets
centuries old
hardly noticed that
it was made of butterfly wings

In fact, everything was

I've been used to the life
of not fitting in, or being of
an outside perspective
and peeking into the souls
of others 
Yet I return home and can 
drop the act; but here
it is hard to imagine the burden on
people living their whole
lives like that

People who arrive here
to these
monasteries like these have 
different goals in mind
amoha, non-delusion
advesa, non-aggression
alobha, non-attachment
Here seems to rely on alobha.

My time spent here
has come to an end
and I wonder what I have lost
on the plane ride home
as a result of my "enlightenment"
months of meditating and hiking
living among butterflies
and being free of attachment.

I went home to see her.
Pearl of my heart.
Pearl of my dreams.
The love of my life
I have seen grow into
the strong woman
her eyes light up as she smiled
river in the sorrowful moments,
my soul-mate.

I felt nothing.
When I saw her
used to wrap my arms around
her as we have always done
tight as tears fall of our precious reunion.
That's what the monastery took from me.
My love for Pearl.

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