Dollar Club

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A dilapidated storefront—
with instances from the past
people in strange ancient outfits
colorful swirly tops
and poofy striped pants
walking down the sidewalk
in a parade of dazzling flashes
entering in and out of it
during its ancient days of glory

the chorus orchestrated like a waterfall
and then the sun rises and steals
its glory, all the ghosts disappear
from the building — these days now
it's an old partly destroyed storefront
for a billiards and nightclub
even with ghosts of exotic dancers
and the otherworldly but human guards

protecting them. I used to visit the place
in my spare time and in my dreams as well
the guards were cool as long as my friends
and I had our ID and we were 17 or older
time goes by, I forget about that little club
and it immediately faded into the past.
I remember the beautiful girls and the
ghostly "patrons" within, they rarely spoke
but they moved like neon marionettes
with the grace of celestial angels.
I think they even named themselves after stars
Adara, Ashley, Shedir, Columba
and of course the Myra twins.
Perhaps they were stars.

I visited awhile ago when I was older
and I could get dances from the girls there
got a fiery girl named Malina, she twirled
and had heavenly skin, danced in the palm
of the stage like it was my hand
it was her job to make it seem like it was
a good idea. She slipped and fell into my lap;
her mouth moving gracefully
even though it was an accident
When she spoke to me,
she started coughing and shaking uncontrollably
but she remained cheerful

"We're dying, earthling. Can you help us?"

I couldn't, how could I? She was a dying star
and I a mere mortal had no strength to
revive her fading light in her eyes
a shooting went down here awhile ago
and it shocked me I could only imagine -
the sight of beautiful girls
face down in beautiful pools of blood
their beautiful bodies breathing
not even half an hour ago now silent
like the rest of the night. The lump in my
throat of the ghosts longing to escape home's
final thoughts as the flashes struck
them while running were
I got to get home, out of here, far from here

Now when I dream of the old club
there's no sunlight at all
not a soul swaying joyously in sight, the building
mostly empty and devoid of the soul
that used to live here, no guards
no girls, no colorful people
and the night sky
devoid of stars.

A/n: I remember when I wrote this, I was upset and crying alone in my laundry room. When I realized the silliness of that fact; that I am in a laundry room crying alone that not everyone has the opportunity to cry alone. So I cried, cried and cried some more. Selfish I know, I'm twenty six and I'm crying like a baby about life and dreams but not everyone experiences what I experienced... anyways... I wrote, wrote and wrote some more.

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