Leg Breaker

34 20 11

Don't you worry about a thing
wishing you were back in your 9-5
Eyes closed, knees red from being
on the jungle wood for hours
your katana laid before you in ribbons

I tried to leave you some space to breathe
a five year fever dream - I swear
I knew it was you when my blade sent
you home I just didn't know you'd come back
more free than I have originally thought

Let me lose you one more time
Furloughed into another crammed apartment
the Tao Reorder is out there
My dear, you and I both know
you could live in sanctuary for as long as you want

I don't care about your tuning
the strings that tug your heart together
powers of the divine sleeping behind your pupils
the black hole in the center of the cage
I never wanted to hurt you, create crescents in your flesh

There is so much blood on my hands
I never wanted yours to be apart of it
You stand up and I watched the fire
reignite, in your palms the polymer hilt glows
I am prepared to face you once more but I don't want to

Storms A-Brewing!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora