i have seen the end

52 29 3

damn you, I hear the woman scream
from the heights of her lungs
and from the depths of her soul

I wiped the blood from my lips
tried to stand on broken hips
amidst a battlefield turned boneyard

the sculpture Yosana shattered
on the ground and the war machines
drone on. I have seen the end...

And we lose.

I think the most poignant moment
in that damning scene was that it took
place in the stomach of Spring's final breath

Before the Wills wither in able participants
the gash and clash of human passion
and hysteria appulsion.

The woman screams again this time
for vengeance, another for agony
and is silent as bullet shells burn the ground.

She is taken into the night
never to be seen again.
I have seen the end of days, the end of ideals

when all memetics fade, when genetic
benchmarks break, when all time
is lost into eternity, the end is near

and we will lose.

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