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Funishment - my cheeks red and black
muddled from the discord of complacency
you draw me out then dress my wounds
whip me into your shape when I am unkind
to myself - pound me to rid my demons

You fashion your alter in my mouth
dominate me when I need taking care of
send rains to my scorched lands
allow me to purge my anger and scream
in your rainforests when I feel feisty

Give life to every sexual fantasy I have
reveal me how enriched and my spectrum
could truly be, the valleys of aftercare
in whatever power role you and I are in
flowers and ropes, cradling me when I feel small

I don't mess around with another man
nor woman unless you want me too
My being not a greenlight for every eye
to behold and every mouth to speak to
my punisher, my comforter in every expanse

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