I can predict the future

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So here we are, Sisyphus, you
the greatest hell I have ever created
We weren't ready for the sky to fall
every three days, a new meteor
crushes the earth once more
wake up to live through it again
nor were we ready to remember everything before

Serena, I lost count how many times
we've died on this hill watching
the meteor swallow the planet whole
debris rising like a wave and crushing us
hell, how many times I've died going to your house
as we hold hands, smiles beaming
the knowledge that we can fall in love
again for three days before this happens again

Humans weren't prepared to die
over and over, build the shields
to stop the meteor even though
if we were successful we'd wake
up on Wednesday to start from scratch
so this is how it starts and ends?
We can't even die right... Like pushing a boulder
up a damn hill every three days.

Sweet Sisyphus, you decide if I live or die
with Serena or not, on a golden hill
or alone in a tub of noble blood,
I am a master of all arts and shapes,
to be crushed by a meteor for eternity
repeating everything, watching the skies
and trying to find ways out of this loop—
do we even die if we live every three days?

a/n: I had a dream last night, waking up in the middle of it every time I died. There was a girl I met in it, we would fall in love everytime before the inevitable meteor would destroy us. Sometimes I got killed on the way to her house, since everything was very much like the Purge movie for awhile haha. On the " fourth" time we "died," I asked her if she remembered the times the meteor hit us in the past and what tripped me up was her whispering to me: "Yes. Every time."

do people listen to the songs I put up there? haha. They are what I listen to while writing my dreams out. Not sure why.

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