this is a poem about shiny pants

69 38 11

Your hips no matter what, square or round
how strong or weak they are
catch your eyes and your hands
in my powerful, sexy shiny pants

Powder them, rub em with your hands
rubber polish and drop the dress
do the little dance and wiggle
and get in those sexy shiny pants

feel like a sausage rolled into a package
too small, feel like your skin's covered
in delight and your being constricted
don't start with a catsuit, just shiny pants

Grab a friend and some silicone lube (haha)
oil will burn the clothes, make it fun
and be down for the people's eyes
when you go out in your shiny pants

the bigger booty you got
the better it flaunts
real life is as hard as it gets
unless you got yourself sexy shiny pants

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