Witches Only

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Witch's Bloody Note, nailed by a sharpened human femur into a tree trunk near entry point A

To the forest hidden in the abandoned mall
we teenagers looted it and escaped the night

for human hearts and blood to be spilled
may we be graced by its presence, we will be one

let the day rule, let your fear not deter you
Sister, we arboreal witches shall take this place

its coordinates the very ones in our ancient text
we will summon It, let our heads and hearts be
pierced by its antlers

Our curse be known upon humanity forever
Let no sacrifice be or It shall be forever
As all who trespass into this sacred realm
shall be one like us here too


A hunter's voice log, nearly 3000 years old, located 49° NW 73 klicks inside the forest

I nearly got that bastard square in the nose
but it had to simply bound away at the right moment.
I trailed it, caught a glimpse of its stupid bushy tail
headed north towards the highway
God dammit, this is all my fault
no GPS or cell signal, nothing.

Randy, if you get this, I'm sorry, as soon
as I find my way out of here
I'll get better.

But everything here is so weird,
I don't know where exactly here is.
The sun seems to be dangling on a string,
everytime it is about to set it immediately
pulls back up to about 7pm.

God dammit, I'm tired
and I'm hungry and my feet hurt
from walking. I should have never...
I was angry so I chased the deer into the abandoned
shopping center, you know the one off
the highway,
and as I'm tracking it I start to notice
something, I'm no longer in a broken down mall
I'm starting into the forest again
and now?

I'm lost.


A hunter's voice log, nearly 3000 years old, located 49° NW 77 klicks inside the forest, on a vantage point looking over a deep valley.

Something is not right here, these
logs are running out of battery
I'm on a ridge now overlooking my surroundings
and [indecipherable] this green glowing
shape floating high above the forest line

Each time the sun resets back the beginning
of its descent, the night gets cold
but just as the hypothermia might settle in
the day gets hot as it used to be...
I don't know if I'm making sense
I think my mind is playing tricks on me
Keep hearing strange howls
and last time [static] reset I could've
sworn I saw... shapes watching [static]
I got a gun on me, but it's made for
shootin' deer

[Expletive expunged], I should have just
not have chased that deer.
That's it. I'm going to sit right here
and not— oh my [Expletive expunged] god I—

A sonnet, 26 days old located in the Electronics Department in the west wing of the mall, loosely translated from Latin to English.


Oh, greatness the world has forgotten, lo!
The sky and day shall reign supreme with might
Behests the Great Cervine, his slaves shall go
and late triangular shall shape new light.

O, wise Augustae hides all manners dark
for no true enlightenment need be shared
and when the Great Cervine descends down, hark!
The damned toil in surreptitious terror—

But alas, man shall flatten beneath him
No star shall remember nor hear their hymns.

An argument on how to contain the threat in the abandoned mall

Five out of six hands raised
"No, no F——ing way, we can't just
leave the damn mall alone."

"It's the only thing we can do,
the creature in there demands
too much. It must be."

"It can't be."

"It must be, what do you want, Aiden?
If it leaves the mall we're looking
at a Extinction Classed Event, dammit."

A fist slams the table. "Dammit!"

Silence falls. Another voice says. One.

"It's settled. We secure the perimeter
and make sure no one gets in.
The witch entities will get their sacrifices."

Exploratory log, 26 klicks in, 2nd and final expedition through entry point C

We're in here through Halcyon C
but chaos has already settled...
I never seen anything that huge before.
The valley was that of a normal
valley, although obviously we were
no longer inside a mall any longer.

Our mission? Search and Rescue the
first team (Orange) that came through
here a day ago... the good news?
We linked with Orange Leader Brians
a couple hours in but that's when the trouble
started. The sun blasted heat down until
9pm, then the weather started freezing
until 10pm when the sun immediately
went back to 6pm. We have clocks,
but the sun still went back despite this fact.

Orange Leader Brians said his team's
been in here for weeks which sent red flags
because we went in 24 hours after they departed.
Fury's dead. There's these things... that took him.
They look like beheaded humanoids
with glowing triangular artifacts
in place of it by their necks. We shot one
and we thought it was down for good
but after three minutes it started
making loud noises and its limbs flailed
uncontrollably. That's when six or seven
more of the creatures showed up
and they took Fury. It seemed like the entities
were mashed up animal parts and human
parts, and they all seemed like they belonged
to a greater whole, moved sporadically with
superhuman strength. One ripped apart
Keep, but they took his body.

The next "morning," we came upon a hill
and that's when we saw it. A giant deer like
creature taller than the mountain we were on.
It had a glowing green triangle in place
of its head and it seemed to know we were
observing it. We put on our hearing gear
because we doubt it had anything beneficial
for us to hear, possibly a cognito hazard, but
more of the things started showing up
and Orange Team Wild started saying creepy
shit, like the noises the entities were chanting.
We shot more of the entities chasing after us
and Brians shot her dead and told us to run.
So we did, I took the moment to see if her
body was still there along with the creatures
but she was gone along with them. There were
these entities resembling females floating above them,
as well as the deer's giant triangle "head"
watching over us.

We made it out of there, but the giant deer
creature and the humanoids are still in there
at large... Deer god, what have we gotten into.

a/n: Get it? Deer as in DEAR GOD? hahaha

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