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King Who Has Vanished
He who has ruled over Epthna
residing in the Golden Sky Palace
his Order remains, but scattering
quickly, his Court whispering schemes,
his Company becoming more quiet

Where has He gone? The God of Order
has not been heard from since the third
rotation of our Hralfling Suns
the Divine Goddess can only protect
so much before Chaos and Silence fall
our bones becoming food to our enemies

Our King who has vanished
last promising Nazazbah
now gone. Our capital poised to be
captured and her people enslaved,
please Answer our call:

Our Faith's flame is dwindling
your Angels and Righteousness unfelt
Our Commoners murmuring of other
distant Gods with foreign directives
the Clock drawing ever closer to the
Promised Planet, The Golden Waves
destroying our walls.


a/n: On the Moonworld of Epthna, the King (God of Order) of the Continent ol Epthna quite simply disappeared without a trace. No one, not even his trusted advisors, knows where the God went. It is quite unknown how no one noticed His disappearance, as Or'Ktha is the largest God recorded. As a result, whispers of false gods and a rapid stirring of trouble have brewed; festering in the very core of the kingdom. Several villages on the outskirts of Epthna's territory have fallen to the Silence and the Dark Sea is teeming with more danger emboldened by the God of Order's absence. There are small prayers uttered by some people still but many are caught in a thought: "What if He abandoned us all?"

Being the God of Order, all mortal affairs within His domain have been operating perfectly and the economy as well as life flourished under His command. He had a Court by his side, his own Constructs to keep the Peace and Company to offer views in the City itself. Each link was uplifted further by a certain divine Goddess who kept balance amongst the God's eternal conquest over all things Order.

A divide became more apparent when His Court crumbled, splitting the links between the people of the Mountain and the ones below. His Company began scheming for the throne and his Constructs simply became defunct and inactive, merely golden decorations in the Halls of His Temple. The Wealthy Class who resided up in the Holy Mountains and Sky Gardens spoke a beautiful language too difficult for the Lower and Middle Classes to utter. Their servants were literally born to understand and translate the Common language. The Goddess commonly worshipped between both peoples has recently taken authority over Epthna, Her Day and Night Priestesses operating as the authorities necessary to prevent an all out civil war from happening.

His absence hardly had an effect on the Commoners, who struggled daily at that point in time so hard that many rejected or were unaware of His existence. Will Epthna survive any longer? Or will the Silence doom her people?

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