Silence Falls

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Yes, the city floats upon
the metal plated marble

with wondrous enchantments
and magic-men to keep it afloat.

Yes, it will be there like a small candle
in the middle of the vast void where stars live.

If such a feeling could be a man-
the notion like a child with a dying bird

in his hands and I having the hand
to console him, with that morbid look

on his unending, never understanding eyes
the bird falling to the ground each time

he tries to "set it free" and not understanding
its wounds, like life precariously teetering

on a tightrope, the child shakes it as I walk on it.
The Silence claims the city, like it claimed the grounds

keeping itself wise while keeping me
none the wiser, to press on far into the Future

toys with my hope with eyes boring into me
a gnashing fang, a shadow of sorrow creeping

beneath the light of the very city I swore
to protect, the noise of repetitive corrosion

destroying the magic-men and their ancestors
the complacency, a city now falling to earth

to be devoured by the sands. It was much,
too much like me, my hopes to prevent this Silence.


A/N: The moonworld Epthna is after all... a moon. Satellites natural and unnatural crash upon its surface all the time. One such unnatural satellite crashed upon the country of Epthna containing several notable pieces of technology. The first was a device that tracked the star system's orbit (where Nazazbah is not even close to reaching Epthna). It currently resides where it crashed and a marketplace is built around it and is used by the locals to tell the time. The other peculiar technology is a substance that when applied to metal causes it to rise to a manually set altitude. Magis were able to discover how to replicate and control the technology and created a large network of cities floating high above the Iron Plains.

Another phenomenon, known as the Silence, originated from space. No one knows what it is, some thinking it a hostile God that no one can see and some saying it is a poisonous gas. The Silence tends to shrink the minds of the living before eventually leading to death, all the while preserving the body for a long period of time before natural decay occurs. The results of the Silence are large swathes of land and towns full of dead and quiet people, who do not tell the tales of how the Silence fell upon them.

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